Parents of Keliyot Primary school in Bomet stormed the school yesterday afternoon baying for the blood of the school head Mr. Philip Chirchir who is also chair of Kenya primary schools Heads Association.
According to pupils in the school, Chirchir is fond of summoning the underage girls to his office, where after he closes the door and sexually molests them. On Monday he did the same mistake, only that this time other girls busted the story after witnessing one of their classmates stagger out of the headteacher’s office with her uniform messed up and crying.
Upon getting the news, parents immediately invaded the school
Mr. Chirchir was holed up at the Knut offices in Bomet enjoying protection from a national knut official who is said to be his close buddy. Parents and social media went crazy with hashtag # WeStandWithTheBometGirls .
Nancy Macharia tsc boss will be in Bomet today to investigate the issue and check on TPAD progress.
Calls to the TSC county director Mr. Mola went un answered till late this evening when he texted to confirm that Chirchir had been arrested and will be be arraigned in court today.
We stand with our girls. We will not allow Knut or corrupt ministry officials to protect Chirchir simply because he is Kepsha Chair
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