Govt pathologist Johansen Oduor currently at city mortuary conducting post Morten on 18 bodies under supervision of IPoa, Imlu, family reps and NASA legal team.
Findings reveal all died of gun shot wounds.
This contradicts earlier police statement that the 18 died as a result of mob justice
NASA has bought a whole page that is run in the Standard today Friday 24th November.
Gabriel oguda adds;
I have said this before, and I will say it again.
Raila Odinga is not the president of Kenya. He neither commands a standing army neither can he order around the Inspector General of Police.
The person in charge of protecting your life and property is Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. If your business is razed down by protesting arsonists or your pelvic bone shattered by a police bullet, it is to Uhuru Kenyatta you are supposed to run to for intervention. He took an oath to be your first line of defense when criminals come charging at you, whoever you are, NASA or Jubilee, if anyone threatens your very existence, you know where the Office of the President is, and you are supposed to take the occupant of that office to task.
What that means is that Uhuru Kenyatta is not supposed to be the President of Kikuyus and Kalenjin alone. He is not supposed to insult Luos and Kambas in his speech. Whatever Uhuru Kenyatta does, however provoked he is, he should always remember that he is the father figure this country is looking up to.
In your house, if you have a house, there has never been two Household Heads. Even when we collect census data, there is a specific questionnaire that is supposed to be filled by only the Household Head. If you went to collect data from a Household and you found the Head missing, that questionnaire is supposed to come back blank, it doesn’t matter how muscular or brainy the other people in the household are, if the Household Head is absent, the rule is the questionnaire meant for the Household Head comes back without being filled.
That position is not a joke. Being a household’s breadwinner is not child’s play. When the household is broke you are supposed to step up and go look for resources, from wherever you can find them and come back and feed your family. When one of your children is last in class and the other is number one, a household head is not supposed to show open favoritism to the sharp chap. They did not apply to be born by you, and intelligence is genetically acquired so the stupidity must have come from either of your two genes.
Any household head who treats a section of his children differently from others is anchoring the future of his home on quicksand and it is just a matter of time before the discriminated children raise their hand up and demand to be treated with respect. This is how most homes in this country are run, this is how Kenya is currently run.
The primary role of government, any government, is to protect life and property. It is written in the constitution, you can go read it for yourself. There is no NASA constitution neither is there a Jubilee constitution – we have the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya.
Any government doing its duty of protecting life and property must, as a matter of principle, do so without tribal-political affiliation. If you are a Kikuyu police officer sent to Madiany, in Uyoma, Siaya County, to protect businesses and lives, you must do so, without carrying the ethno-political stereotypes airheaded Kikuyus have for Luos, and the same applies to a Luo cop keeping vigil in Ngarariga, in Limuru, Kiambu County.
Nairobi is no longer a cosmopolitan urban center. What we saw yesterday does not even qualify it to be called a city. This thing Mike Sonko claims to be Governing is a just an overgrown tribal village full with people who went to school to learn how to hate each other intelligently. Tribes repel each other in this city better than a mosquito-repellent-jelly does to mosquitoes. If UNESCO were to scout for the world’s headquarters of tribal bigotry, Nairobi would win the contest without opposition.
The government have also joined in this stupidity. You have police officers taking tribal-political positions even while discharging crowd-control duties. An opposition protester is overwhelmed by teargas and runs to the police for cover, only for him to hear the police officers conversing in Spanish and clobbering him back to the epicenter of mayhem.
That Luhya chap who died in the hands of Mungiki ruffians did so because the police who were supposed to help him sided with the Mungiki chaps whom they shared a violent ideology with. When those paid by our taxes to protect life and property decide to take ethno-political sides, the rule of law becomes the rule of the jungle, and every man has no choice but to turn themselves into animals in order to survive.
The good news is that the rubicon has already been crossed. The bad news is that the police have taken sides, and the masses have taken notes.
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