By Dennis Konyang’o
A husband will get very angry with the wife. A wife will get very angry with the husband. This will happen for various reasons. Fundamentally, it will happen because we are only humans. Humans can get and will get so angry.
The difference is how the wife and husband manages the anger.
Anger isn’t only between spouses. A parent can be so angry at the children and vice versa. Even in that case, we must learn to manage anger.
We can also get angry at our football teams. Right now, I am so angry at Morata for wasting many chances. I am so angry at Conte for exiling Costa!
When you are a man and you are so mad at your wife or your wife is so mad at you, all you need to do is to lock yourself in the bedroom or just go to the local and come back home the following day.
When you are at angry the kids, that is something you can handle.
I did not stone the TV set when we spurned all those chances. The temptation and urge to destroy the tv was great but I somehow restrained myself! Can you imagine if I had stoned that television that moment Morata missed his angles and shot wide. Or that moment Bellerin scored a late equalizer ? Or that moment Zapacosta hit the woodwork?
Apart from restraining ourselves in anger situations, it also helps to avoid anger traps when we can.
The biggest anger trap is your spouse’s phone. That gadget is the devil’s residence as small as it is. That is why folks, well I am not one of them, but folks have all manner of passwords, pins, firewalls, padlocks etc to manage and control access to the inbox. The Phone inbox and photo galleries are some of the most protected things on earth. More than the bank account.
Some of us trust each other and and as a marriage counselor, I encourage spouses to trust each other. Yes, I just appointed myself a marriage counselor now!! However no matter how much you trust each other, kindly let’s avoid each other’s phones. Tame your curiosity because if you can’t, you will find what you want. That is assured. The danger is, when you sneak into his or her phone and get what you get because you will surely get it, you might not be able to tame that anger and it will consume both of you.
My condolences to victims of anger!!
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