By Njogu.
For the wheat lovers!
I listened to Beth Mugo talking about cancer and I must say our approach towards cancer is what fails us.
Screening will NOT and cannot lower the cancer cases. Machines and foundations will not stop cancer from spreading!
Screening is just getting people who are already sick with cancer. The solution is targeting the people who are NOT sick and teaching them on the way forward so as not to contract cancer.It is senseless to only wait and act on people who are already sick.
Beth is saying that there are very many people who are going to India and that’s true. A friend who has been going to India for the last three years because of cancer told me 50%of people in the cancer clinics in India are usually Kenyans.Sadly,98% dont make it even after these treatments,this is the bit that we are never told.
The problem in our country is over consuming wheat,animal protein and Sugar.Wheat has a protein called gluten which is the mother of all problems in the immune system. These 3 also aid and encourage the cancer cells to thrive. They also aid the other degenerative diseases especially what i call “the 3 sisters-disease”(diabetes,athritis and high blood pressure)Believe it or not!
I went through the cancer ordeal in 2006,and until I realised am what I eat,that’s when I healed.I have seen friends get diagnosis,go through harsh treatments and eventually die because they only followed conventional medicines.
Until and unless we go back to organic foods,fermented foods,natural herbs,there’s no end in sight.These are the things that healed me and av continued to embrace them as a way of life and that’s why cancer has not recurred.
Foundations and screenings are good, but we can do better if we teach people on the harmful products that they are consuming every day leading to the degenerative diseases.
Otherwise waiting for people to get sick in order to get them thru screening so as to treat them is not logical. Someone is benefiting and I can tell you its not the sick person!
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