Mîgûna Mîgûna Facts : 🤐🤐😂
1 – When he was 10 years old, Miguna Miguna decided to live by himself. And his parents just moved to another house.
2 – When Miguna Miguna was young, his parents used to sleep on his bed when they were scared.
3 – When Miguna Miguna goes to your place to visit you, you’re the guest.
4 – One day Miguna Miguna passed a red light and the police stopped his car. Miguna Miguna charged the police.
5 – Miguna Miguna helped the nurses when he was born.
6 – Miguna Miguna never lies. The truth is what is wrong.
7 – When Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone, he already had three missed calls from Miguna Miguna
8- Oxygen needs Miguna Miguna to survive.
9 – It is impossible for Miguna Miguna to have a heart attack. Nothing is stupid enough to attack Miguna Miguna .
10- In school teachers used to raise their hands to talk with Miguna Miguna
11 – One day Miguna Miguna missed two days in a row in the school. Later on, these days were called Saturday and Sunday.
12 – One day Miguna Miguna arrived late at school. The other students were penalised because they arrived too early
13- One day Miguna Miguna taught a child to run. Nowadays this child is called Usain Bolt.
14- Miguna Miguna can kill two stones with one bird.
15- Miguna Miguna doesn’t call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone.
16- Miguna Miguna does not get wet, it is water that Migunas .
17 – Miguna Miguna makes onions cry.
18- When Mark Zukerberg created Facebook he already had a friend request from Miguna Miguna .
19- Miguna Miguna doesn’t scroll with a mouse. He uses a lion.
2o- Miguna Miguna gmail account is gmail@miguna.com
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