Photo: courtesy
DEPUTY President William Ruto is now the proud owner of the most expensive chopper in Kenya.
According to sources close to the Office of the Deputy President, Ruto has bought the Airbus Helicopter H145. The chopper is undergoing customization and will be delivered to Kenya in June 2018.
Ruto will be the only private individual with such a chopper which can operate even at night. Only the KDF and the Kenya Police have choppers with night vision capabilities.
According to Business Jet Traveler magazine ( a new H145 helicopter costs 9.7 million USD ( about 970 million Kenya shillings).
It has a range of 260 nautical miles (480km) and can carry up to eight passengers.
Designed to deliver excellent performance throughout the flight envelope, Airbus’ H145 is the latest member of its 4-tonne-class twin-engine rotorcraft product range – with designed-in
The H145 is favoured by forces for roles such as patrol, surveillance, and rescue missions. Supported by the roomy, flexible cabin, and installation of forward-looking infrared (FLIR) and daylight cameras.
Other equipment opportunities include a powerful searchlight, external hoist, and simultaneous external roping capability for two people – one on each side. Additional equipment includes a tactical mission management system, connectivity features and an EOS (electro-optical system) digital camera.
Further contributing to the helicopter’s operational flexibility is its night vision goggle-compatible cockpit with a night vision imaging system (NVIS).
Source – Business illustrated
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The Logitech K845 also sports an aluminum top plate that both looks good and delivers a more premium feel than you might expect from a keyboard in this price range. That said, if you’re used to pricier keyboards with lots of heft, the 1.72-pound weight and plastic shell don’t exactly scream ‘high-quality keyboard.’ Still, the switches are rated to 50 million clicks, and the molded keycaps mean you don’t have to worry about the labels fading — though we’re not a huge fan of the chunky font. WHAT IS THE SPACE BAR CLICKER?In the modern technology era, we utilize the computer mouse and also spacebar for at the very least three hours a day. At residence you may merely utilize them for playing if in the workplace you compose files or make spreadsheets. New fans or skilled players might want to examine the top quality and performance of their keyboard or video gaming computer mouse.
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If you want fast appliance repair service in the Venice area, look no further than Certified Appliance Repair. Unlike other companies, we won’t subject you to a long waiting period or drawn-out repair process. When you call us, we’ll send one of our technicians to you as soon as possible. When a major kitchen appliance breaks down, it is imperative to get it fixed quickly, given the important role it plays in daily life. Call us and we will send a highly skilled and trained repairman to your home in near Wheeling, IL to repair your stoves, ovens, refrigerators, and freezers correctly the first time around. Did you arrive here by searching for appliance repair near me? If you are in or near Houma, Louisiana, Broussard Appliance Service is known as a local established appliance repair service company with great technicians, competitive prices, and extensive expertise.
Standard kitchen refrigerators have an average lifespan of 14 years. With a new refrigerator freezer combo running anywhere from $800 to $12,000, the fridge repair cost should be much less than the expense for a full replacement. Refrigerator not cooling? Ice-maker not making ice? Freezer not freezing? Fridge making clicking noises? We strive for excellence in everything we do – no matter how big or small the job may be – because your satisfaction is our top priority! Our team only uses the latest equipment to ensure the best results. If you’re looking for an experienced team committed to delivering outstanding results at competitive prices, contact Summer Fridge today to discuss how we can help meet your needs! At FixEm Appliance Repair, we provide affordable home refrigerator repairs in Alameda County, CA, and the surrounding areas, including Berkeley, CA. We proudly offer reasonable pricing for all of our appliance repair services, making certain that we never sacrifice quality when repairing your unit. Having a high-quality repair company at your disposal is paramount to maintaining your home appliances and having access to fast and efficient fridge repair in Contra Costa County, CA.