On Sunday night a Twitter fight went up between Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria and Blogger Cyprian Nyakundi, known for his loose mouth, the MP while reacting to a comment the blogger has made telling him off referendum talks, promised to silence him in what seems like direct death threat in plain terms.
Currently, Nyakundi has a defamation case against him by Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and on this, the MP vowed to deal with in a manner that is different from that of Sonko. Hon Kuria bragged of having silenced others who couldn’t speak for themselves insinuating they were dead leaving trails that should concern authorities as to who these people he’s talking about and his contribution to their deaths.
The last time Kuria was largely questioned on a death though not by police but the public court was during Chris Msando’s death where his posts were of serious concern.
Others who were vocal online but silenced forever include Legend blogger Bogonko Bosire and Jacob Juma, others include hundrends of Mungiki youths who were allegedly eliminated by the kwekwe squard after they were linked to 2007/8 Post Election Violence and killings (as per ICC Prosecutor)
Wee kahii gaka reke ngwire. Ngukuhihinya heke nyukwa aigue mbu e githii. Nii tinii Sonko
— Moses Kuria (@HonMoses_Kuria) May 20, 2018
Can someone translate what this Gatundu retard has said? I don't seem to understand this language of our oppressors. I can deduce that it's an insult connecting me to @MikeSonko . https://t.co/oVGWHPA2Dk
— Cyprian, Is Nyakundi (@C_NyaKundiH) May 20, 2018
Because you are too small for this law. You choose your enemies wisely small boy
— Hon.Moses Kuria,HSC (@HonMoses_Kuria) May 20, 2018
Amezoea watu. Enough is enough
— Hon.Moses Kuria,HSC (@HonMoses_Kuria) May 20, 2018
You are trending on a banana skin my friend. I would refer you to others but unfortunately they cant tell you any tale
— Hon.Moses Kuria,HSC (@HonMoses_Kuria) May 20, 2018
Nitamzima for good. Niachie
— Hon.Moses Kuria,HSC (@HonMoses_Kuria) May 20, 2018
This story was first publisged by KenyanInsight
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