Embattled ex IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba is said to be eying the Trans Nzoia Gubernatorial office in 2022.
Chioba was fired by Chairman Wafula Chebukati after Sh1 billion was stolen through flawed procurement of materials for last year’s twin general elections as revealed by internal audit reports.
“Since Chiloba is the CEO and various issues have emerged, the commission found it necessary to suspend him pending the completion of investigations,” Chebukati said in sworn affidavit.
Kitale, the capital city of County 026 also christened Kenya’s food basket is awash with claims that Chiloba is seeking to succeed Governor Patrick Khaemba.
Since he hinted his desire for the race, he has tined down on IEBC wars and his farm house in Kwanza Constituency is awash with delegations every weekend.
Church clergies in the County are often jostling to invite him for fellowship since he is known to leave behind fat Sadakas.
His supporters argue that since the seat should be rotational and Kiminini having tasted power, Kwanza should be given chance through Chiloba aka Chilobae.
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