I do not support the idea of pushing a politician or anyone else towards the presidency. For you to succeed as a president you must first have a vision for the country and be driven by that vision to pursue the presidency rather than respond to public pressure.
The idea also has close to zero chance of succeeding. For one to overcome our current tribal politics one needs to do more than just respond to social media demands. One must not only have a demonstrable track record but must also prove his worth by leading a national cause that resonates with majority of the people.
Take for example, the case of Prof. Kivutha Kibwana. He has not articulated any vision for the country. He hasn’t been vocal about any national issues lately. He has no track record that can be proven by hard statistics apart from some photos and some good vibes here and there.
For you to be objective about his performance you would have to look at numerous county indicators before and after his tenure. You would have to go through county audit reports to understand his stewardship of public resources. I can’t also remember anything about his past stint in government.
The last time I saw Kibwana on TV he was very careful not to step outside Kalonzo’s shadow. There is no evidence that the current goings on in the country bothers him. If they did he would be talking about them.
I would rather someone comes out and says he wants to be president and articulates what he plans to achieve if elected. Then after scrutinizing his vision, his character and his track record we can mobilize and support his campaign.
Under this current approach driven by desperation we risk electing someone only for him/her to find he/she had nothing to offer the country.
The country is at crossroads. Only a revolutionary can change our current path towards anarchy. If such a person presents himself we will have no problem recognising him neither will we struggle to declare our support.
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