A facebook post by Standard Newspaper writer Ted Malanda went viral on Tuesday morning and non other than CEO of Kenya Inc that read it and sources close to the Gatundu confirm he was shocked, well you know our dear Uhuru is emotional…
Here is the post, read and let it sink in
By Ted Malanda via FB
On Sunday, a teenager was arrested for drowning her three day old baby. Then, kids who were going to get a jab to prevent their tu eggs from exploding were arrested by police.
Let that sink in.
We don’t want them to have sex until marriage because it is a sin, although we know they are. We don’t want to teach them about sex because it is immoral. We don’t want them to use contraceptives because they will become prostitutes. And we don’t want them to abort, but no one is talking about who will shoulder the responsibility of raising their children.
Let that sink in.
Now parents are getting blamed. It takes 30 seconds to get pregnant. Even the children of pastors, headmasters, magistrates, police, prison warders and mafiosi get pregnant. Parents don’t ‘allow’ their children to sneak out at night. The kids SNEAK out.
Let that sink in.
In Today’s Standard, Julie Masiga says the decision to abort or not rests with women, because it is them who are left holding the baby when the dung hits the fun. Yes, fun.
Let that sink in.
In short, what she is saying, and Julie is smart, is, if you don’t have a vagina, Fallopian tubes, a womb and other related baby making apparatus, shut up.
We need a conversation about abortion. That conversation should be led by women and moderated by reproductive health experts.
Waheshimiwa should shurrup. Church leaders should preach and let us decide whether we want to go to heaven or not.
And men, in my view, should lie low like envelopes, because they are the reason we need this discussion in the first place.
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