By Polycap Hinga
UHURU KENYATTA, is focused on three things right now!
Building bridges – Building a cohesive society that ensure community A will never fight community B because of politics. A country that elects leaders from MCA all the way to the top based on merit.
FIGHTING CORRUTPION- Obviously because it is a vice that threatens us all and our very existence as a country.
THE BIG 4 – Making sure that we all live a decent life with proper health care and that we are a people who can employ ourselves , from cottage industries to the big industries without the nonsense of government red tape. This will be the true definition of devolution because talent and creativity will give rise to big enterprises. It will devolve money right into our people’s pockets.
Now, are we facing challenges? Of course yes! Is corruption fighting back? Like hell! But we shall overcome!
These stories of term limits and extending this or that are the least of his concerns.
Through the Vision 2030 blueprint, H.E. Mwai Kibaki started the infrastructural regeneration for our country. President Uhuru Kenyatta is doing the next bit to make Kenya a towering economic giant ……. and it shall be done!
We are a FIFTY YEAR OLD DEMOCRACY, we need to start feeling some shame that our country experiences economic boom only when there is a bitterly contested general election and then slump for 3 years. We can do better!
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