By Alfred keter
William Ruto and his acolytes can brag to death how he is the second most powerful Kenyan and controls Parliament. However, how has this control benefited the Rift Valley peasants or the country at large. The poor Kalenjin farmers whose funds meant to pay for Maize supplied to National Cereals and Produce Board have realised that Ruto’s powerful position in government is actually a curse. We have suffered more under Jubilee than the Kibaki regime and our tormentors are all DP Ruto’s cartels doing his bidding.
Take a look; he has never met governors from his region to discuss development simply because governors, unlike MPs, are not parrots to sign his outdated 2022 song. In fact for Elgeyo governor, he has unleashed his attack dog to fight him for standing with the truth on kimwarer dams.
Just remember, he never wanted the independent-minded Mandago in the first place. Ruto has deeply alienated young Kalenjin professionals and those who he keeps, he has used them like toilet papers to loot public coffers thus destroying young careers, Sang of Kpc & Tanui of kplc are now mere historical statistics, he now never picks their calls.
Farming is even worst, through his lapdog Kimani Ichungwa who chairs the NA budget committee, NCPB, was allocated few coins to buy the peasants Maize and to make it worst, his cronies, led by his son, looted all the allocated funds.
His control of parliament has not engineered any development in the Rift whether it’s on infrastructure or energy sector. It’s all about padding budgets in select parastatals then looting the money and paying Central Kenya MPs 50,000 each per weekend so that they can praise him. I dare him not to give them money this weekend and he will be shocked none will attend. If they do, akuje nimrudishie Pesa na si ya wizi!!!
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