Statement by Youth Leaders to Kapsaret Mp Oscah Sudi.
By Brian Mamboleo Ongere
We wish to address Oscah Sudi as hereunder;Following Oscar Sudi’s despicable tantrums directed to Dr Matiang’i,as youth fraternity we have a sole responsibility of reminding the Mp that he has verily failed in executing his mandate voters elected him to but has instead turned into a chronic sycophant.Its in public glare how farmers from kapsaret suffered losses at the hands of the undersaid Mp ,Its is also in the public domain that a number of Mps have resorted to earlier campaigns geared for 2022 which is meant to open more avenues for them to award themselves government tenders and coerce to steal more money .H.E the president of the republic of Kenya appointed Dr Matiang’i as the chair of all cabinet secretaries,a move that has greatly minimised corruption networks for some members like Sudi who have been benefiting from some ministries for award of tenders and looting notwithstanding the president’s persistent appeal on ending corruption in kenya. Mr Sudi,We are aware that the presence of Matiang’i in overseeing all government projects terminated your deals ,We are aware you cannot steal while Matiangi is in charge and it’s in that reason you have decided to malign,complain and or disrespect Dr Matiang’i together with his PS lying to the public that they are plotting against Ruto on 2022 succession politics .I wish to educate you on a few elderly issues ;Do not abuse your seniors however powerful you may think you are ,as youth leaders who want a free corrupt country we are ready to storm into your offices and eject all corrupt officers out of office ,Your papers are allegedly questionable and let’s not hear that they are targeting you when Prof Magoha starts a clean up exercise on genuine papers across the divide.
As youths,We condemn your utterances in strongest terms possible and we are ready to release more information on corruption about all Leaders.
Youth Leader,
Brian Mamboleo Ongere
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