It was an awkward moment when DP Ruto met CS cecily Kariuki at all saints cathedral. DP Ruto accused CS Kariuki and three other CSs from Mt Kenya of plotting to kill him ahead of 2022 general election. Well, all agree that waziri Cecily is so harmless.. what a shame !
Weeks ago blogger Wahome Thuku joked about the allegations thus:
Yesterday was pretty cold day. And being so, the PSs and CSs from the Mt Kenya region decided to have a hot cup of tea in the late evening hours. Yes, the same same infamous “murder” squad.
I am reliably informed, they met “again” at undisclosed location in the evening, not La Mada Hotel where undercover reporters had been naively stationed. And those who are supposed to be informed of to be aware of the the meeting we’re very much aware and those who should not, were not.
And no, they didn’t discuss killing even the rats and cats that watched over the meeting. They were just meeting and it’s likely they will continue meeting irrigadless.
So yes, carry the breaking headlines and quote me as your source, “Mt Kenya CSs meet yet again”It was an awkward moment as DP Ruto came face to face with CS Cecily Kariuki one of the four Mt Kenya cabinet secretaries he accused of plotting to assassinate him.
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