Central Organization for Trade Unions (COTU) secretary general His Excellence Francis Atwoli has urged the Senate to pardon Kirinyaga Governor Anne Mumbi Waiguru from impeachment so that she can continue to play her critical role of uniting the country via Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).
Atwoli noted that Waiguru wash a first-time governor and that whatever transgressions should be addressed through the EACC so that she can face justice but retain her position since the BBI was entering the execution stages.
“The MCAs should talk and address the issues being raised. If Waiguru is wrong, they can use the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission or the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to address any wrongdoing. However, we are calling for a dialogue. There are many channels of addressing issues in our Constitution. It would be good if the MCAs considered them first,” Atwoli is quoted by local media (The Star).
The COTU boss added that Waiguru is President Uhuru’s foot soldier who helped in steering the BBI in the larger Mt Kenya region hence her exit would lead to frustrations.
Atwoli said Waiguru is the only governor in Mount Kenya who has stood strongly with BBI.
“We are talking about changing the Constitution for good. This will help us stop violence during election periods and ensure the country’s stability,” Atwoli said.
Atwoli said he was confident that the BBI will go through and be implemented.
“We have seen Kenyans present their views and everything is moving forward well. We know all the views will be implemented so that the country enjoys peace. And Uhuru wants peace, stability and growth of this country,” he said.
Kirinyaga MCAs voted to impeach Waiguru following a chaotic session on Tuesday held in the County Assembly chambers.
23 MCAs voted to impeach Waiguru, while four abstained. Six members were absent during the session.
The impeachment motion was tabled by Mutira Ward MCA David Kinyua where Waiguru was accused of gross violation of the Constitution, abuse of office and gross misconduct.
The governor is also accused of using her office to improperly confer a benefit to herself when she was irregularly paid for travel allowances by way of imprests amounting to Ksh10.6 million yet she did not travel.
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