Some Kenyans think that they got a right to steal because our pioneer leaders perfected theft and plunder. By the way our pioneer thieves inherited theft from the colonialists. A colonialists would steal African land and claim through the law he brought here that the land is his.
It is sad that we can justify theft and treat it as an inheritable or testamentary right. The old maxim that two wrongs do not make right has been construed as jealous by those who defend theft. That I have a right to plunder public resource because other siphoned them!
A man or woman in social media would dismiss you by saying that you are jealous of what has been accumulated through theft. That your admire or covet status acquired through theft. They forget that theft is slavery of some sort.
You are beholden to material woolinness acquired through untoward ways such that you can’t sleep for fear of losing it. I would be a fool to covet wealth acquired through stealing of public resource.
It is true that a good percentage of Kenyans criticise theft and corruption because they scarce a chance to steal or to be corrupt. However, there are Kenyans a good % whose upbringing does not allow them to benefit themselves unfairly.
We must, as a society decide to continue worshiping theft and trying to justify it or fight for uprightness for our children to inherit a just and equitable society. We must start thinking that now we have neglected all our public utilities, will my children children get a better deal from our collective resource?
I have read Njenga Karume and Mbio Koinange estate cases and as pioneer accumulators their families are not getting it easy. First the children do not work hard. They look after the accumulated wealth and family rivalry ensue .
We are firm believers in Franzt Fanon’s maxim that hunger in dignity is more preferable than bread eaten in slavery. It is naive to imagine that all Kenyans covet stolen wealth . Fanon’s maxim is in The Wretched of The Earth.
Adapted from Soyinka Lempaa facebook page
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