Deputy President William Ruto has thrown in the towel, he is no longer opposing the changes Uhuru executed in Parliamentary and Senate leadership in the Jubilee party including the massive changes in committees that saw Tanga Tanga allies kicked out.
It is a confirmation that Ruto cannot lead a revolution, he just endorsed the purge that humiliated his allies, some may call it a strategy but I call it reality, he knows its beyond him, he can’t do anything against the SYSTEM, he simply can’t imagine staying out of power even for just half a day, that is how greedy he is. But you know what, by the time he decides to decamp to form his own party it will be too late. Greedy can only take you this far, not to the ultimate promised land.
With the changes in Parliamentary leadership including committee membership & leadership now concluded, I urge all MPs NOT to be divided but work TOGETHER in serving the PEOPLE. Col.3:23, Whatever you do,work at it with all your heart, as working for God,not human masters.
— William Samoei Ruto, PhD (@WilliamsRuto) July 16, 2020
Well, human rights activist Soyinka Lempaa adds:
“In 2018 and 2019, Tangatanga was all over Mt Kenya launching fake and or make believe projects. They would launch projects that had not been budgeted for by the treasury. As time went by however they realized that unless the projects are budgeted they remain just that … aspirations!
Now the government is in Mt Kenya lauching and indeed carrying out real projects. Tangatanga lacks in mental rigours . You cannot try to compete with the government for development. The government controls the budget and dictates the development agenda .
No matter how much you have stolen or accumulated, you cannot tarmac roads or build markets and revive stalled railway transport. You can only try to give this or that bishop or pastor some money or launch fake Church projects and cry therein from time to time.
The Tangatanga spanner boys, on realisig this folly started blowing hot and cold or approbating and reprobating. They accused the government of not initiating any developments in Mt Kenya. The ones they had launched with Ruto were just make believes and lies!
Now Ruto and Tangatanga should go and commission the projects they launched if they were not mere puffs and misplaced PR stunts that boomeranged on the ignomuses! Now they are left with voodoo philanthropy which is mocking the very wretcheness they have occasioned through theft “. – Soyinka Lempaa
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