The ODM Youth League began its two-day National Governing Council meeting today with delegates from all the 47 counties represented here. We are a strong movement and the presence of all the Youth Leaders from across the country is a testament that our party is strong and we as the youth leaders shall do everything within our powers and Youth League constitution to make it more vibrant, attractive and active. And going by our motto, Haiwi Bila Sisi, we shall comb all parts of the country to popularize our party and its ideology to the masses.
As the Youth League, we are proud to have amongst us a Nominated Senator Hon. Mercy Chebeni, elected and nominated Members of various County Assemblies including Hon. Stazo Omung’ala, the MCA for Upper Savanna Ward in Nairobi and the Nairobi County ODM Youth League Chairman. This is a true demonstration of how our party is committed to helping the youth climb the ladder in leadership.
Having said that, the National Governing Council (NGC) of the ODM Youth League has deliberated on a number of issues, both internal and of national, we made the following resolutions;
1. We support the position taken by the party on the impeachment of the Governor of Migori County HE Hon. Okoth Obado who is facing a myriad of cases of embezzlement of public funds. We call on the County Assembly of Migori to expedite the exercise and have the governor impeached.
2. We support the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) which is a brainchild of our Party Leader H.E. Hon. Raila Odinga and H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta. This is a good initiative which is aimed at uniting the nation, strengthening devolution, fixing electoral injustices among other vices. We shall popularize the gains for the youth and establish national structures to campaign for the success of the referendum.
3. The ODM Youth League fully supports the recent changes in the National Elections Board (NEB) and the Disciplinary Committee and the ongoing reforms in election and nomination rules in line with recommendations of the Mumma Task Force.
4. We want to thank the party for appointing one of our own to the National Elections Board Ms. Cynthia Nchoe from Narok County. This is the first time a youth has been appointed to the NEB and we are very grateful. We pledge our full support to her.
5. We have embarked on an elaborate programme called Chama Mashinani at all branches and wards. The aim is to activate Youth League structures to attract more youths into the movement. We shall hold meetings at all counties under the auspices of Chama Mashinani.
6. Lastly, we are young men and women. The days when we were used as catalysts to violence are long gone. We are focused on helping build a strong and united Kenya. We therefore give notice to those leaders beating the drums of war with the aim of inciting Kenyans and tell them, woe unto them, we shall not be intimidated. Presidency is not anyone’s birth-right. As the youth, we shall not be party to reckless, shameless and irresponsible utterances by those who think they are above the law.
Thank you.
Signed today Friday 11th Sept. 2020 in Machakos.
John Ketora
ODM Youth League President.
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