By Soyinka Lempaa via FB
If you are a foreigner in this country you would think that the country does not have men and women of thought who can move this country from a third world country to a first world country .
You would think that this country’s choices are limited to hell or purgatory… That when you go for an election, you got to juggle or balance between the worst or the lesser evil.
This country has men and women who can clean Nairobi River for fishermen to return and do fishing in the clean waters of Nairobi River. This country has men and women who can convert Mathare, kibra and Mukuru and Kiandutu and Narok Town slums into modern clean and green human settlements
This country has men and women respected at both local and global level who can restore or achieve 10% forest cover within two years . This country has men and women who can creatively destroy private academies and offer quality education in our primary schools .
This country has men and women who have the requisite skills and goodwill to end congestion in our urban centers and make our cities attractive to both local and foreign investors .
This country is not bereft of men and women of thought and vision. This country’s best men and women have been kept out of the extractive political system and bandit economy. Our first 11 best team is in the bench while the second team in playing through nepotism.
The best amongst us look so helpless and weak while the worst are full of vile energies. Sonko & Co!
Men and women of vision and goodwill have selflessly done it elsewhere and have led their people to cultural and economic revolution without claiming godly status.. Singapore is a shining example.
However ours is a story of betrayal. Betrayal of the very education our parents laboured to bequeath us. Ours is a story of feeding ourselves first before feeding the nation . The end results is unhealthy cutthroat competition for resources.
Olodo Ong’ota Loolmuserre: These country is bereft of intelligent voters and it doesn’t matter one’s station in life or academic credentials….all the voters become idiots at the ballot!
Kinayio Allan: In Singapore leaders don’t steal public funds neither do they grab children playing grounds, if one does it(none does) they will rot in jail. Corruption is painfully punished!
Ooh mawa…
King Soi: You really do not know what hails this country. It’s selfishness and greed by the super rich who influence policy making across all sectors of the economy.
Rajab Injamu says
This country has many people of good academic and social qualities but all have been pushed to the decision making periphery, they are actually helpless. Politics has been left to the very corrupt in society.