Hon. David Ole Sankok MP
After my exemplary performance in Kericho High school I was finally admitted to the University of Nairobi Medical school,
My childhood dream come true because I wanted to how I tiny injection had caused my disability changing the footsteps of my life journey.
This is the second part of my story as a person with disability,
Read with an intention of being motivated,
Forget jealousy and political affiliation.
My life took a new twist,
The reality of life struck me like a thunderbolt,
To be a student in the University of Nairobi and coming from a humble home needed more perseverance and hard work,
My parents love me but I knew they couldn’t afford to educate me in the University.
I encountered life I never experienced before,
I came to the city where everything moved fast and everyone vended for himself,
I was just alone with improvised walking stick trying to move fast like the rest,
My Father and my Mother have never been past Narok town and the first time they came to Nairobi was for my graduation on 9th Dec 2005
Here was I,
A person with disability,
Here was I,
With my feeble leg and I was expected to rush to lecture halls like the rest of the students,
Here was I,
Expected like the rest to move fast or dash to get services in the library.
I had this sixth sense which most men born in the harsh plains of Maa have,
The sense to fight it out with Moran spirit,
The sense to be the best like Morans singing in traditional regalia to woo maidens,
The sense to fight for survival like the lions of Maasai Mara.
I started to assume my predicament,
I prayed to my God Who created me in His own image and likeness,
I told God to turn my disability into ability,
I engaged my God given talents,
I was sharp in mind and full of humour,
I interacted with students and staff fast,
In no time the young Maasai boy who could not rush fast in the lecture halls but was sharp in brain was a darling to everyone.
The teaching staff,
The non teaching staff,
The students,
Every one knew the young Maasai from Narok,
My life became a bit lighter but the big problem is I still had no money!!!!
I started thinking outside the box,
I needed money badly for my upkeep,
I had many friends visiting me in my room for my sweet talk and sense of humour,
I started showing videos to them in the room for a fee,
I could also write notes for my classmates for lessons missed and they could pay me well,
With some capital I got from my friends I started selling mitumba during weekends at Kiserian open air Market.
I could also buy charcoal from Erusia – Narok and sell in Nairobi during weekends,
Mr Ngotiek who later became the area chief was my point man in charcoal business,
Chief Lendele Ngotiek is currently fighting against charcoal burning – talk of the hunted becoming the hunter
Using my innovative skills and form two physics of a bigger circle rotating a smaller circle faster with more revolutions,
I contacted a Jua Kali Artisan in Gikomba Market,
We made a manual knife sharpening machine operated by one leg because my other leg was paralyzed,
I could sharpen swords in Maasai livestock markets like Suswa, Ntulele and Ewaso.
With every Maasai male carrying a sword and charging 20/= to sharpen one sword,
I could return to Nairobi University with a bucket full of coins each market day.
I had started to enjoy my stay in the University,
I had started enjoying my room 118 hall 1,
I had started enjoying night revisions in ADD,
I had started enjoying my daily trek to chiromo my lectures in Anatomy, physiology & biochem,
My life took a new twist when I joined University politics,
I will tell you again my story as SONU President tomorrow.
God bless all my friends who made my University life challenging but interesting.
Mtoto wa Kenya Zawadi ya Mungu.
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