Happy 38th birthday,
My love,
My Girlfriend,
My helper,
My Queen,
My First Lady,
My Soul mate,
My Sweetheart,
My darling,
My Angel,
My gift from God.
Happy 38th birthday,
Bone of my bones,
Flesh of my flesh,
Blood of my blood,
Mother of my children,
I’m full of happiness,
I’m elated,
This first day of this second month of the year,
This great month of love,
The month when those destined for true love are born,
Today is your day,
The great day you were born.
Happy 38th birthday,
I’m thinking of words good enough,
The biggest cake may not be enough,
The biggest and the best of ornaments may not be beautiful enough,
The longest of all kisses may not be enough,
The mother of all hugs may not be enough,
The best I can give you is what is in my heart,
That sweet heartily gratitude.
I give thanks to God for the wonderful gift that is you;
My friend,
My love,
My queen,
My wife,
My first Lady,
My everything,
Happy birthday;
Queen of my heart,
Governor of my soul,
Conqueror of my mind,
Handshake of my spirit,
First Lady of myself,
Mother of my children,
Keeper and manager of my palace.
Mtoto wa Kenya Zawadi ya Mungu.
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