1.What is the main agenda of the NDC?
The top organ of the Jubilee Party (JP) is meeting to review activities of the party with a view to making it stronger and more vibrant. The NDC is the organ that ratifies the party’s major policy decisions. Every party exists to form government and as the ruling party, we are putting into place plans to form the 2022 government.
2.Who exactly is invited for the Convention?
Jubilee Party has delegates across the country. But to adhere to COVID-19 protocols, the party management will settle on the number of delegates to invite. Only those invited will attend. Additionally, leaders of political parties which have declared interest of partnering with Jubilee in the coming elections will be invited.
3. There have been claims, including by senior Jubilee officials that the ruling party is dead. Is this convention, therefore, meant to ratify its winding up. Is Jubilee being swallowed by ODM?
Jubilee is not dead. Indeed, going by recent by-elections, Jubilee is one of the strongest and most popular parties in the country. Jubilee is here to stay. Jubilee draws its strength from the fact that as the ruling party, it has delivered on its mandate of development, unifying Kenyans and dignifying the lives of the people. Projects such as the transformational SGR, Nairobi Expressway, and rural electrification buttress the fact that Jubilee has delivered. The party has laid a foundation of a prosperous Kenya and the NDC will partly be about celebrating these achievements and seeking ways to build on what has already been done. Those loudly claiming that the party is dead are in Parliament through the party’s sponsorship. If it is indeed dead, why have they not formally resigned from the party and sought a fresh mandate with a party of their choice? Clearly, a dead party has no plans for the future, but Jubilee has a clear plan about the future of its people.
The Jubilee Party is not being swallowed by ODM, but the party is open to partnership with like-minded parties that share in its vision.
6. Is JP planning on fielding a presidential candidate, if yes, who? If no, will the convention endorse Raila as has been reported?
These are some of the decisions that will be made by the NDC, as such there is no need of preempting their resolutions on the same. It is important to note, however, that JP will only work with leaders of integrity as far as coalition building is concerned. The party does not tolerate corruption. In the event the NDC decides JP will not field a presidential candidate, we shall only work with those who share in our vision of cohesion, integration, peace, fair resource sharing better representation for populous regions; and most importantly, zero tolerance for economic crimes and graft.
7.What exactly is the future of JP?
Jubilee formed the government that has delivered. The party has a very bright future and will shape the future politics of this country as a participant and not a spectator. As mentioned above, Jubilee has been in partnership with Kenyans for nine years now. In their own admission, the people have greatly appreciated the works done by the Jubilee government and expressed an interest of that tempo sustained in the next government. That would only happen if Jubilee took over government— therefore Jubilee is without a doubt a party of the present and the future.
8. Is this the process that marks, with finality, the split of UhuRuto? How did it come to this?
That might as well be it. Importantly, it is the DP who insisted on putting the country in campaign mode years to the election, ignoring the party leader’s call to work for the people and campaign at the appropriate time. He opposed his Boss, opposed the revenue sharing formula as proposed instead coming up with his version that would have resulted in unfairly skewed revenue sharing, opposed all attempts at uniting the country, initiated a smear campaign against his President and party leader. Notably, when the party leader launched the party five years ago, he put it clear that Jubilee was not his party, neither was it his deputy’s, but a party that would outlive them because its vision was broad and that which reflected the nation’s future. Therefore, the even without Ruto, Jubilee still is and will be.
9. How does Jubilee plan on re-establishing itself, after suffering a string of damaging by-election losses? Surely, some rebrand and pomp will not be enough, will it?
The NDC is as a result of these issues and a clear roadmap on how the Party revamps itself and readies itself for the future will be some of the outputs. After the NDC, a comprehensive grassroots mobilization campaign and aggressive membership recruitment drive will follow.
10. What is Jubilee’s promise to its followers? What good can they expect to come out of the rebranding?
As answered above. The promise being JP is strong, is not winding up and that the JP government will deliver on all its promises to the people of Kenya. To aspirants in Jubilee, the party promises to enact provisions in the JP constitution that will deliver free, fair and credible elections; which include party primaries conducted by the IEBC.
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