By D S
Some moralists will tell you that money is not everything, that it cannot buy love, it cannot buy happiness.
I want to say, without fear of contradiction, that money is not only good, it is everything, it is the only thing. Everything revolves around it, relationships, friendships and other liaisons. It denotes power, strength, fame, and creates an aura of invisibility.
That is why a broke man is a real turn off. It doesn’t matter whether he has the looks of Denzel Washington and a six pack to die for. If he has no money he is doomed. Like they say, there is no romance without finance. In the dating game a broke man is disadvantaged.
There is something orgasmic about money. It turns women on, makes them go gaga!, That is why a short, ugly, balding, pot bellied man with money will walk out from the club with the most beautiful ladies while the broke man can only walk home, lonely, dejected and ruing his missed chances. He can only attract sneers and contemptuous remarks from the girls.
A broke man shudders every time he takes a girl out. He will hold his breath as she places her order, hoping she settles for the cheapest meal on the menu. He will not order anything for himself because he operates on a shoe string budget. He will book a room in dingy lodgings situated on River Road and expect the girl to hail him.
A girl would rather spend a night at Kempinski with an old geezer than sleep in one of the dimly lit, backstreet rooms with a tall, dark and handsome hunk of a man. She would rather ride in a Range Rover with a man old enough to be her grandfather than be spotted in a matatu with a young man. It is all about the money, the comfort, the convenience, the things money can buy.
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