By D S
Betting has become a multi billion shilling business. Sportpesa, Mcheza and Betin are minting money from Kenyans and smiling all the way to the bank. Young men are glued to these sites, hoping to make a quick and easy buck.
Betting has become addictive to many young men. It is not different from other forms of addictions: drug, alcohol, miraa, shisha or even sex addiction. It is a form of gambling, ‘pata potea’. That is not how I want to live my life. I don’t want it to be at the mercy of a lottery jackpot. I want to live a purposeful life, plan my every move, work smart and reap the fruits of my labour.
Betting encourages laziness, dishonesty and a get rich quick attitude that flies in the face of hard work. Real men earn their money and accumulate wealth steadily, honestly and painstakingly. Short cuts are sometimes dangerous. We are seeing a generation of young (sometimes) old men who are averse to work. They want instant wealth, instant pleasure, instant service and heck! Instant sex. Waiting has become outdated, and analogue.
Sportpesa, Mcheza, Betin and other lotteries have disclaimers. They are to be indulged in by those over 18. Adults. Why? People get so obsessed with landing easy cash that they spend so much trying to win that ever so elusive jackpot. Some take expensive loans which they pay through the nose.
Others spend their entire salaries trying their luck. In extreme cases men sell their household items, cars and other property just to indulge. Kitchen budgets are not safe from these obsessed fellows. Needless to say, marriages are breaking and relationships are being ruined by this impulsive, addictive behaviour. Yet these betting firms are in business, minting billions but leaving a trail of destruction, misery and, in some cases, death.
I do not have a lot of time for Duale, but concerning the waves of fires in schools, he said something very sensible, that students are spending school fees betting, and when they lose, they start fires to divert attention.
There is a man who committed murder because he gambled and lost over thirty thousand shillings. He just went berserk and committed the atrocity against an innocent lady before he was cornered and punished in kind.
God is not necessarily a God of instant provision. That is why patience is a virtue. Abraham waited until his old age to get a son. Jacob waited for fourteen years to marry Rachel his Sweetheart. David served under Saul for some time before he assumed the reigns of power. Jesus grew up like any normal man upto thirty three years before he started the work His father sent him to do. The disciples had to tarry in the upper room for forty days before being filled with the Holy Spirit. Saul waited for three days, blind and hungry before officially being accepted into the ministry.
These craze, where people will do anything to get rich overnight is certainly, not from God. Sportpesa, Betin, Mcheza, Lotto and all these companies promising gullible Kenyans instant millions are, to put it mildly, conduits to enrich a few fellows at the expense of millions who send them money every second!
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