In the past few days, Hon William Ruto has persistently albeit erroneously asked our coalition not to raise issues on IEBC concerning preparations for the next election.
It is rather obvious why Mr. Ruto would not want us to ventilate any issue that will seal the loopholes and opportunities to rig the 2017 elections. He knows jubilee is on a mission to subvert the will of Kenyans. He is acutely aware that jubilee is allergic to a free, fair, accountable and verifiable election.
But we send a clear message. The CORD Coalition will not accept another rigged election and those planning to do so must prepare for dire consequences.
It has also come to our attention that the Jubilee coalition led by its top leadership has embarked on a heinous campaign to blackmail the members of the IEBC Selection panel to nominate a jubilee candidate in the name of Mr. Lucas Leperes Naikuni as the new IEBC Chairman.
We reiterate that we will not allow jubilee to subvert the will of the people of Kenya by influencing recruitment of a Jubilee friendly candidate as the IEBC chair. It is not lost on us that jubilee regime has demonstrated insatiable affinity to subversion of processes and perfected the art of short cuts in pursuance of power.
We however wish to send a stern warning to jubilee. Don’t dare this time round. You will not get away with this. The consequences will be too grave to contemplate.
We wish to reiterate our resolve that we will NOT accept another rigged election. We will only accept an election that is credible, free, fair, accountable, verifiable and accurate. The debate about the 2017 elections must revolve around credible elections and not peaceful elections. Peace is a direct consequence of credible elections. The IEBC selection must resist the temptation of carrots dangled by jubilee and give this country the impartial electoral commission it deserves.
Chief Executive Officer
CORD Coalition
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