By Comrade Alberto Nyakundi Amenya (The Banana Peddler)
Kenya has had its fair share of both progressive and nefarious leaders. This reminds me of the story of Haman and Mordecai as chronicled in the Holy Bible. The villain of the narrative is Haman a feckless, vile, archetype of evil. The allegory of Haman is emblematic of the story of President Uhuru Kenyatta – the son of a former dictator who became President by chance, the man who vainly thinks he can command the heavens.
What this President forgets is that, before his emergence, there were many who just like him, ineffectually thought they held the keys to the pearly gates until they ended up disastrously. Let me remind President Kenyatta that before him we had Sani Abacha of Nigeria, Mobutu Sese Seko of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Idi Amin of our neighbouring country Uganda, and Saddam Hussein of Iraq, to mention a few examples. Some of these dictators who thought were monikers of their countries expired ignominiously. As I type this, there is hardly a trace of their legacies.
The Jubilee administration hates the opposition members because they have refused to bow to the idolatrous image (corruption) conspicuously embroidered on its garments. President Kenyatta detests progressive governors and Members of Parliament who have refused to pay obeisance to him. It is therefore evident that this man is on a revenge mission to exterminate the opposition.
But his plot shall fail. The frame-up shall not succeed because light will eventually overcome the darkness without fail. The political intrigues must fail because good shall vanquish evil. As a nation, we have walked this path before. President Moi threw hundreds of multi-party democracy champions who opposed to his dictatorship into the gulag. Prime Minister Raila Odinga was among those framed up imprisoned and sentenced to death. But he twice became President although he was denied the opportunity. Moi expired. Some of the dissents of the Moi era returned home from exile and became members of Parliament and true national leaders. Therefore if history repeats itself in a Uhuru, I believe it is the dawn of a better era for this nation because according to Martin Luther King Jr, temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.
This President is misusing his so called tyranny by turning government allied MPs into his political and economic slaves. In simple terms, they are useful idiots used as voting robots whenever the President wants to pass a law that are lenient to his dictatorial and corrupt tendencies. What of the proposed election amendment of section 44 that will enable his steal the elections? It is an open fact that this wicked administration is using its tyranny of numbers war chest to destroy the genuine members of the opposition and perpetuate itself in power. After all, they are inspired by their ancestor Adolf Hitler when he said “The winner shall not be asked how he did it”
Owing to the avalanche of constitutional breaches, this President deserves of impeachment than any other elected official in Kenya. Uhuru’s offences are not less impeachable. Rather than tell their master to shape up or be thrown out, the Jubilee MPs, in apparent disregard of the office they took to defend the constitution, are seeking to legalize clear illegalities perpetuated by the President Kenyatta.
How can a President elected under a democratic government turn around to militarize and overheat our polity? The militarization of the Kenyan polity by the Presidency portends dire consequences for our democracy. All is done to give Jubilee undue advantage so as to perpetuate Uhuru in power. This is totally antithetical to our collective aspiration as a nation and directly negates the humongous sacrifices made by pro-democracy activists to restore democratic rule in 1992. There is no record to show that Uhuru ever partook in pro-democracy agitations. Militarization of the polity as a brand of evil played out between 1963and 2002 when the leaders then decided to engage the khaki boys to torment their political opponents and to have absolute power. They wanted power at all cost in areas of the country where they were not wanted and where their brand of politics was alien to the genuine wishes and aspirations of the people.
To indiscriminately and illegally deploy the police and the military to harass, hound, intimidate and manhandle the opposition figures spells doom for our people and country, and I don’t think Kenyans want to repeat the costly mistakes of the 2007. The Kenyan military has no business with policing elections. Kenya is not the only country that conducts elections. India is about twenty times the population of Kenya; nobody saw a single soldier on their streets during the recent national elections with over one billion registered voters.
The president must not be oblivious to the fact that the “tyranny might” can be used to massively rig elections, but it cannot win the hearts of the people.
I must reiterate my position that, due to desperation, the present administration appears to have gone on overdrive by unleashing political marauders against dissenting voices in the polity, especially the opposition figures. This has, no doubt, created unnecessary tension and instability in the country. We urge those members of the opposition now being intimidated and harassed to be bold. The people in counties where opposition controls must speak with their voice and later with their votes against oppression and tyranny. This is the time for all Kenyans to rise up in defence of democracy.
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