Have you ever seen a creepy guy freak out a woman by simply talking to her? I have seen it many times. Whenever I do, my stomach turns upside down. In fact, not so long ago I was one of those guys. After I had ordered more products on picking up girls than my credit card could deal with, I was excited and motivated to test everything I had learned. I was ready to become one of the greatest seducers of all time. I was ready to be a real life Don Juan. I was ready for it all.
Or, so I thought. Turns out, what I wasn’t ready for was the truth. I thought that my way of approaching women resembled the videos of those guys who did this for a living. However, what I really looked like was an insecure little boy who tried to sell some stuff that he didn’t believe in.
I made every mistake that you can possibly make. I think it goes without saying… but I creeped out a lot of women on my road to dating success. What I also didn’t know back then is that this behavior is completely normal for a lot of guys.
They see something crazy in a YouTube video, expect that it works with every single girl on the planet and they jump right into it, without thinking about whether or not their actions make any sense. Of course you can take the same road as I took and get calibrated after experiencing one rejection after another.
You can do that, but you can also choose another path. Check out these following five ways that give women the creeps and avoid them like the plague. Allow yourself to take the shortcut to success.
Don’t touch her before she sees you
Approaching women sounds ridiculously easy in theory, but the truth is that you can already make the first big mistake before you even talk to her. You might have seen some crazy pick up artist running up to a girl from behind, touching her neck and getting away with it. However, just because it’s on YouTube doesn’t mean that it is a good idea to do it.
Don’t get me wrong, running up to a girl from behind is absolutely okay. What’s not okay is to touch her before she sees you. When you run up to a girl who is walking in front of you, you have to make sure that she sees your face before you say the first word, and especially before you touch her.
Everything else will most likely scare her so much that the last thing she wants is to go on a date with you. She doesn’t know if you are a thief, a rapist, or just a decent guy who wants to get to know her until she sees your friendly face.
Respect her private space
What do you do after you showed her that you are just a friendly guy who wants to get to know her? According to a lot of self-proclaimed pick up artists this is the right time to show that you are the strong and aggressive alpha man that can crush a rock with his bare hands. As a result of this delusional obsession with the alpha male archetype, a lot of guys give women the creeps by disrespecting their private space.
I know that the guy in the video course said that you should be as alpha as possible, but that doesn’t mean that you should stand so close to her that she can already smell the haze of your armpits. That’s a bit too alpha.
Instead of scaring her away by standing in front of her like a bouncer, you should rather approach her with a confident but friendly vibe without being too pushy. Give her some air to breathe and she will give you some time to say what you want to say.
Don’t stare at her like a serial killer
Another big mistake that a lot of guys make is to assume that they not only have to look like a strong alpha dude, but that they also have to stare like one. I don’t know about you, but I don’t enjoy talking to someone who looks as if he wants to rip me into two pieces.
I’m not saying that you have to put on a fake Hollywood smile to cast a spell over a woman. All I want to say is that staring at her like a serial killer is not particularly helpful. Unless you learn to project your confidence without looking as if you have to battle with really nasty diarrhea, you will always be the guy who gives her the creeps.
Watch your body language
If there is one thing that makes women more uncomfortable than a guy who tries to take being alpha to the next level is a guy who shows that he is extremely nervous. Don’t get this the wrong way. It is absolutely fine to be a bit nervous and to have one or two bloopers.
If you; however, start to speak faster than the road runner says “meep meep” and start swinging your arms as if you were an octopus that swallowed too much ecstasy, you’ll get nowhere fast. You have to calm down. Breathe in, breathe out. Focus all your energy on your body language.
You don’t need the body language of James Bond to impress women. Standing in a relaxed way and controlling your gesticulation is all that is needed. Oh, and stop fumbling around with your zipper.
Understand when “no” means “no”
The inability (or the unwillingness) to understand that a serious “no” actually means “no” is the fastest way to creep out a woman. I don’t know why, but some guys actually believe that a woman means “yes” when she says “no”.
Well, in some cases this is true, but only if she says it sarcastically with a big smile on her face while she is playing with her hair. When she says it with a serious facial expression and a defensive body language you can be 100% sure that she really means “no”. It is your job to respect her decision.
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