MAY 20, 2017
My heart and prayers go out this morning to Mr. James Ratemo’s and Ms. Ebby Esaji whose three children Clifford Nyambane, Dan Nyamweya and Glen Ongagi have been found murdered after going missing for a couple of days. My heart breaks for this family.
I pray with the Eldoville Seventh Day Adventist Church whose members are this morning coming to terms with the reality that Clifford, Dan and Glen will be permanently missing from the pews and the children’s lessons. Knowing the effort the SDA Church dedicates to molding its youth, I feel its pain and loss.
It is my hope that the children were not killed because of the political activities of their father. No child should pay for the crimes, real or imagined, of their parents. We labour in vain if politics only leads to the murder of the very children we are hoping to make the country a better place for.
For the sake of the children of Kenya, the Inspector General of Police must take up the matter of these three children-Clifford, Dan and Glen-personally and keep the people of Kenya updated on progress until the culprit is apprehended and justice is done.
Kenyans must join hands in demanding justice for these three children.
MAY 20, 2017.
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