By Anwar Sadat
According to an NIS memo presented to President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy , the Jubilee administration is at grave risk of loosing the 8/8/17 elections.
The NIS warns Jubilee that NASA has developed a national euphoria that will prove difficult for Jubilee to overcome. They presented to the president their polling data that has the NASA Presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, leading President Uhuru Kenyatta with 17% in the presidential race.
NIS argue that Jubilee is suffering from credibility crisis resulting from unfulfilled election pledges.
According to the NIS, 80% of Kenyans think that the Deputy President doesn’t speak the truth and makes up figures about Jubilee’s performance.
According to NIS, 85% of Kenyans believe that Jubilee was responsible for the artificial food shortage that Kenyans have experienced over the last four months.
Comrades, we are winning. Now more than ever we must not retreat, we must not slow down. Talk to your friends, convince those that are still seating by the wayside and ask them to join us.
At moments as such as this, one can not afford to be neutral. To be neutral at moments of great crisis and national tribulations is to side with the enemy. Ask them to join in the push to put in place a government that will work for them; a government that will create jobs for their friends, family members, and relatives; a government that will transform and grow our economy; a government that will ensure that no Kenyan is left behind struggling on their own against the vagaries of life.
We are starting on 10million plus strong, but we seek to push the this liberation by over 13million votes. Help us bring the change we need.
Joblessness, higher inflation, higher commodities prices, stagnant wages and economy, unequal distribution of national resources, ends on 8/8/17 when we elect NASA and Raila Odinga. We are grateful for your support and continue to urge you to stay the course till Raila Odinga is declared President and we, together begin the journey to restore prosperity and jobs to our people.
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