By Dorcas S
There is a FB frame by a group that bills itself as a “living brand creating connections across all walks of life” that’s currently trending among Kenyans. The word “Tribeless” on the frame has a cool letter “T” designed with red, black and green-colored vertical windings of Kenya’s flag that intersect the horizontal line and forms the letter!
If I was to guess the font style of the text, I would say that the designer used “Century Gothic” in a >70 font size.
All told, the frame/text is very cool and creative. It also captures the current zeitgeist in Kenya – with the elections approximately 2 months away!
At the risk of being a “Debbie Downer” (or is it “wet blanket”?), let me also add that this patriotic frame reminds me of the many various-colored ribbons and bumper stickers “patriotic” Americans slap on their cars with the yellow “Support the Troops” sticker being the most ubiquitous one. The “Support the Troops” sticker is particularly common/popular when the country is at war.
The irony is that most of these same “patriotic” citizens who “support the troops” continue to live lives that necessitate these same troops being sent to war!
They continue to drive the massive gas-guzzlers, live sedentary, disposable & microwavable lives that require copious amounts of energy that in turn results in America’s military being sent to far away places. – to guard the sea lanes and in some cases prop up dictatorial regimes of oil-producing countries.
In decisions that are either deliberately disrespectful to the most integrated organization in America (its military) or utterly oblivious to the role it – military – had in integrating America back in the 50s/60s, some of this so-called troop “supporters” are also virulently racist, bigoted and xenophobic.
And the clincher: These same people who “don’t want to see the troops put in harm’s way” consistently vote into office politicians who are extremely hubristic and spew bellicose and inflammatory rhetoric – which all combine to make military confrontation more likely than not!
My point:
I have looked at the timelines/walls of several “Tribeless Kenyans” and the gap/disconnect between the substance of the cool-looking frame and the rhetoric/comments therein (walls/timelines) is as wide as Victoria Lake (gotta love Sade).
These “Tribeless Kenyans” spout virulently bigoted and ethnocentric rants while supporting politicians who espouse the same bigoted and ethnocentric policies; both markedly antithetical to the cool-sounding “tribeless Kenyan” tagline adorning their FB profile!
The most hypocritical so-called “Tribeless Kenyan” was one who posted a rant about the “corrupt” and “incompetent” management of Kenya Airways only to offer another post that voiced vociferous support of the very patrons of the “corrupt and incompetent” management of Kenya Airways – Jubilee Admin!
Memo to “Tribeless Kenyan”:
Your Vote Should Reflect Your FB Frame/Bumper Sticker.
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