You probably might have heard of Sojourner Truth, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto and if you are a believer like me, there is Queen Esther of Xerxes, Judge Deborah, Mary Magdalene – All these were fearless patriots who in their own small way changed the destiny of their nations.
Again, probably you already heard of Daughters of Raila… This is a lobby group that started as a prayer unit. It was formed at a time when there was so much tension in the country, when our men, sons and fathers were being butchered. We stood up to be counted, on our knees. After God had done what only He could do, we decided to include voter mobilization and education.
Why the name Daughters of Raila?
We believe in him. We believe he is the change we need in this country. This country has gone from worse to worst. Raila Odinga all thru the years is a man of his words, he cares for this country deeply and he is the only candidate who has promised to take care of women, how beautiful can it get?
And just like Queen Esther and Judge Deborah, we are down on the threshing floor, praying and fasting for the nation as we tell God the desires of our hearts and also talk to our mothers on the importance of ensuring their families vote and vote for Raila Odinga and that is why you will be seeing us in markets and chamas. Look out for us in your county.
You want to be part of this?
Lizzy Yogo – Chair
Ruth Ambogo/Daughty Otieno- Sec Gen
Anima Odhiambo- Finance
Cecilia Hellene/Hon. Renee Mayaka/Sally Owuonda – Resource Mobilization
Communications – Caren Dimmo /Akinyi Omondi,
County Coordinator – Jenn Masawa
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