Kenyans will recall that in late 2014 and early 2015, the Catholic Church mounted a strong but lonely campaign against the mass tetanus vaccination in the country and raised concerns about the safety of the vaccine that was being used.
The Church’s position was informed by what had happened in Mexico, Nicaragua and Philippines where the various governments together with WHO/UNICEF had conducted similar campaigns using tetanus toxoid impregnated with beta human chorionic gonadotropin (BhCG) that causes permanent infertility among girls and women. The government of Kenya proceeded with the programme without providing any proof that the Church was wrong.
In recent days some concerned Kenyans have approached us with analysis of samples that were used in this exercise which we proceeded to cross check with other experts.
Today, we can confirm to the country that the Catholic Church was right. Hundreds of thousands of our girls and women aged between 14 and 49 from the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children because of the State sponsored sterilization that was sold to the country as tetanus vaccination.
We have accessed analysis from four highly regarded institutions; agriQ Quest Ltd, the Nairobi Hospital Laboratories, the University of Nairobi and Lancet Kenya.
These results all indicate that the Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine had high contents of beta human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (BhCG) that causes sterility in women.
The government, for some mysterious reason, was hell bent on misleading the country while intentionally sterilizing Kenyan girls and women.
The Catholic Church had the vaccines tested at Lancet, the University of Nairobi and the Nairobi Hospital. The Ministry of Health immediately disputed the results and these institutions appeared to back down from their findings, apparently under pressure from the Government.
The matter was then referred to the parliamentary committee on health which directed that a joint committee be formed bringing together representatives of the Church and the State to test the vaccines.
It is this joint committee that appointed agriQ Quest on 10th December 2014 to conduct the test. The Pharmacy and Poisons Board, apparently keen to circumvent the process in favour of the government, wrote to the Lab asking them to restrict themselves to determining the presence and quantity of beta HCG in each vial.
AgriQ Quest established the presence of BHCG to the tune of <5 mIU/mL or 5 milli-international units per litre. Medical experts say this is an extremely high presence of the substance. Vaccines are never supposed to have this substance at all. We have established that on or around the 5th and 6th January 2015, the testing laboratory persistently called the joint KCCB/MOH committee of experts wanting to present the results but the Ministry of Health showed great resistance. Based on results that are now available to us and which we are sharing with the public, it is clear that the tetanus vaccination is one of the most callous human rights abuses committed against innocent girls and women in Kenya whose only crime was to trust the State. The number of victims is hard to ascertain as at now because the State has remained extremely cagey on the matters and those who participated were never issued with any form of confirmation or certification to that effect. However, back in 2014, the Catholic Church said that at least 500,000 women might not be able to bear children after being injected with contaminated tetanus vaccines. Indeed, test results in our possession indicate that some of the women who got this vaccination have since sought further tests and obtained results indicating that they can never carry a pregnancy unless a process of reversing the effects is initiated. This is a deliberate action on the part of the government. At that time, Bishop Paul Kariuki, who is the chair of the Catholic Health Commission of Kenya, asked whether there was a tetanus crisis in Kenya and why it was not declared. Catholic bishops in Bungoma, which is one of the places the vaccine was used, also opposed the drive and questioned its necessity We have established that a similar programme was to be rolled out in Kenya way back in 1995 but the Minister for Health then the late Hon. Joshua Angatia raised alarm after being briefed by the Catholic Church and it was abandoned, until Jubilee came to the scene. Sterilization without full, free and informed consent is globally is an involuntary, coercive and/or forced practice, and is a violation of fundamental human rights, including the right to health, the right to information, the right to privacy, the right to decide on the number and spacing of children, the right to found a family and the right to be free from discrimination. This is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed against the women of Kenya and the most diabolical attempt at social engineering. No one can tell the worth of a woman’s fertility or sterility. We demand that the government provides a complete list of all those who took part in this vaccination, apologizes to them and explain how it intends to reverse the damage. Upon coming to office, NASA will set up a task force to establish a detailed catalog of the victims. The taskforce recommend appropriate compensation for the victims, assign responsibility and initiate ways of reversing the damage. Medical experts have assured us that the enforced sterility can be reversed if victims show up for emergency interventions. RT. HON RAILA ODINGA. SEPTEMBER 11, 2017.
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