RE: CJ David Maraga and SCOK Speak Truth To Power Without Fear of Retribution or Threats of Harm!
On the on-going heated debate over SCOK’s nullification of the August 8th results, I have seven words for Jubilants:
“Suck it up and Deal with It!”
I will also repeat what I told NASA-ites shortly after the ruling heard around the world:
Stay humble and magnanimous because as sure as the sun sets on the west and rises on the east, the shoe will be on the other foot – sooner than you can say “Tibim!”
The one thing I find absolutely scary but unsurprising is the level of anger and ominous threats being spewed, not by everyday wanainchi and sycophants.
Not the “Wanjikus”, “Mutuas”, “Chilobas”, “Otienos” et co; whose collective powers accord the three co-equal branches of government their constitutional powers.
What is worrisome is the vitriol emanating from some parts of the country including the highest offices in the land – the Office of the President, his deputy and legislators who support him.
Kenyans are now witnessing the flailing and dangerous-when-cornered reactions of a coterie of leadership that is completely unsure of its mandate but even more perilous, unsure of its power and how said power relates to the other branches of government i.e. the judiciary and legislature. Not surprisingly, this is what happens when one is hoisted into a position of power and responsibility they are wholly, fully and demonstrably unprepared to handle competently; certainly did not expect to occupy – position of power that is.
Resultantly, in the paranoid and insecure dark corners of their minds, everyone is out to get Mr. Kenyatta and his supporters; that everyone is against their manifest destiny – of ruling Kenya in 2017, 2022 “milele na milele”.
The once-upon-a-time “competent, wise and independent” justices of the Supreme Court who were “resolute” and “patriotic” in their 2012 and 2013 decisions, respectively allowing crimes-against-humanity suspects to run for the presidency AND rejecting a (CORD) petition challenging the results, are now a bunch of “wakoras” who dare subvert the will of “15million” Kenyans!
(Minor detail: The number “15million” is the number that was annulled by SCOK!)
“Tutawaonyesha” bellowed the so-called “blue-eyed” Prince of Gatundu.
“We will show them” threatened President Kenyatta; this to a court that independently, in its wisdom, opined that the August 8th vote was “illegal” thus “null and void”.
On the other end of the spectrum is someone so sure of, in order, their faith, abilities and basis upon which they’ve acted that they have no problem ceding their position (of power) more out of a sense of duty and what they believe in than out of the fear that comes with relinquishing said position or falling from the grace and benevolence of the rich and powerful.
Chief Justice David Maraga and the Judicial Service Commission have effectively thrown down the gauntlet to President Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto and their rabid minions in parliament (Moses Kuria and Wambugu Ngunjiri) and online – Twitter and Facebook.
CJ Maraga told Mr. Kenyatta and those threatening his courts to put up or shut up:
“If leaders are tired of having a strong and independent judiciary, they should call a referendum and abolish it altogether.”
Mr. Maraga then upbraided the Inspector-General of Police (IG) for failing to protect his charges from “mindless acts of aggression” and pointedly told the President and his acolytes that if “anything happens to the individual judges, staff or their families, those making these inciting statements will be held personally responsible.”
Instead of asking Kenyans “mnataka ni fanye nini jameni?”, CJ David Maraga, surrounded by members of SCOK and Judicial Service Commission (JSC) confidently told his detractors that not only will his team of justices NOT guarantee a particular/desirous outcome to anyone – that they “are prepared to pay the ‘ultimate price ‘to protect the Constitution and rule of law”. In so doing, Mr. Maraga effectively reiterated to Kenyans, what is usually the primary purview of a president, fidelity to the Constitution and rule of law – at all costs!
Bring it on!!
The devout SDA adherent CJ Maraga and the country’s judiciary have taken on a role Kenya’s clergy of yore proudly took on with some success albeit at great personal risk; this as evidenced by the mysterious deaths of the likes of Alexander Muge:
The role of speaking absolute truth to power – consequences be damned!
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