In The Photo is the Kisii business community- external affairs unit
By Onyinkwa O
On seeing several photos of the business communities of different ethnic communities posted on Facebook, a young Kisii man from Nakuru penned in my inbox an angry letter protesting my failure ~ as spokesman ~ to post pictures of our own business communities here. I will do no such thing. Here is why.
We, the Abagusii people of Kenya are perhaps the only ethnic community in Kenya with not one, but two distinct and specialized business communities. One takes care of external business and is stationed along the borders with Narok and Bomet Counties ~ a.k.a. Eramani in Ekegusii ~ while the other takes care of internal business right inside our towns, villages and homes.
The two business communities do not hold press conferences to issue threats, hurl insults or throw tantrums. They just do business. You’ll not come across their pictures or video clips anywhere. They are regular guys, clean shaven, smartly dressed and very normal dudes minding their own business. Their business acumen is unrivalled in Kenya, and because they only engage in clean business, they have been accepted and embraced by the entire community. And they shower everyday.
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