By Silas N
A few facts:
1. KCSE results are badly moderated, adulterated to meet certain quotas. It is a bit foolish assume that out of more than 600,000 only 142 students can As. We need to demystify As.
2. Curiously it is always in some 72,000 who get a C+… In my time, the cut off was at 69 points. JAB used to cap the admission at the 10,000 bed occupancy. And if 10,000 got A and A-s they will slate the cut-off at that point. It is funny how policy works in Kenya. I know so many guys with B, B-Day, weak B+s who never got admission. If they came from a poor family, they had to make do with an MTC (which you need to bribe to get) or head for Uganda. Not fair. Parallel degrees are so freaking expe.
3. Admission to university was a tricky affair. A good grade was not good enough to get a course of your dream. If you had an A-line that is ‘ weak’ you could end up in Masinde Muliro doing some untested degree…
3. Boys outperformed girls. This will remain so for a long time. But it need be the case. They are all our children and we should wish them all the best. We should help girls held back by retrogressive cultural practices, poverty and such so that they can a fair chance at life.
4. Matiangi is the worst thing to happen to our education system. By the time he is done with us, tutajua hatujui.
5. Wacha niende hivi. Sikam.
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