Ny Osborne Yogo
Most animals, having lived a portion of their lives, go through the process of moulting. Birds, reptiles, dogs etc go though moulting at a point in their lives. This allows them to reinvigorate and renew, getting a new lease of life and lengthening their lifespan.
Snakes moult twice or four times in a year to allow for further growth and to shed off parasites.
The skin of a snake doesn’t grow as it grows; rather it stretches. It get to a point that the snake can’t grow any longer. It has to go through the process of shedding the old skin to allow for fresh skin that has been growing underneath to emerge. This gives it several months of freshness and continued growth.
At age 30 or 40, an eagle goes into isolation on top of a mountain to moult. It hits the beaks against a stone and removes the claws to allow for growth of a fresh ones. It will physically pluck off the old weighty feathers to allow for growth of fresh light ones.
When the process is complete, the eagle is renewed, fresh and young and can live 30 more years.
Believers MUST also learn to go through the process of moulting, letting go off the parasites that have stuck on us – shedding off old skin and weighty feathers to allow for freshness.
Any believer who doesn’t take time to reinvigorate, renew or revive is likely to experience a period of draught and death.
Prayer time is a time for renewal. It is a moment of dealing with the old you … Allowing the new you to emerge. It is also a period of preparing for and setting in order the proceeding phase of life.
It is dangerous not to moult. It kills.
Take time to be with God. Prioritise your renewal and table your plans and programmes to Him.
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