By Jerome Ogola
Nobody should be allowed to own anything beyond a thousand acres of land, especially if it lies idle and unused
Why shoud anyone hoard land, yet Kenyans are suffocating in slums without any space to put up a roof for themselves or a place to dig their kin’s grave?
If Kenyans mounted a successful insurgency to kick out the foreign imperialists, then what stops them chasing away their remnants and the new mkoloni, the native/indigenous colonialists?
The sanctity of private property, and the legality of private property shouldn’t be a scarecrow here. Even colonialism and apartheid and slave trade were very legal
The fact that something is legal doesn’t mean it is right
Kenyans must wake up one day and occupy all these large swathes of unused land under private ownership
Why should any Kenyan plant sukuma wiki in plastic containers yet someone owns/keeps land he doesn’t need?
Nobody will ride on your back until you bend. Don’t bend. Stand erect like a one eyed snake powered by mugombero or the blue pill
End of the afternoon rant
Great afternoon my fellow Hoof-Eaters!!
JON says
Because Kenyans have ALLOWED them to do so!! ALL land belongs to the government. And the government is WE THE PEOPLE!!! If we say NO and CONFRONT them, they will RUN like DEER in an HUNGRY lion’s radar screen!!!