To know that things are thick for President Uhuru and that his approval ratings are plummeting faster than a falling a vocado from a giant tree- just watch this Kipsigis old man from Emmurua Dikir, Narok County….
Uhuru seems to be losing whole tribes each day. The Maasai who voted Jubilee are now rejecting anything to do with Uhuru and even Ole Lenku and Kajiado North MP Moses ole Sakuda are rumored to be reaching out to Cord as he prepares for a 2017 stab. They feel betrayed by Jubilee which promised jobs to the Maasais but has given the Maasai slots to Kikuyu’s.
Jubilee promised free maternity, but women continue to die of vaginal (yes vaginal) bleeding and infections while at health centers across Maasai land.
With the pastoralist communities gone, it will be so difficult for Jubilee to rig in 2017. The Maasais feel betrayed and they plan a Suswa declaration of which Ntimama is expected to lead the Maasai back to ODM.
Maasais have no time for Nkaissery, whom they feel betrayed them, no wonder they rejected JAP candidate on the Kajiado by election in which ODM won with a landslide despite massive rigging by JAP.
JAP is being rejected everywhere outside central and North Rift. Without the pastoralists, Uhuru had no plausible path to the presidency. Good news is that he is young and may still run in 2022, if defeated by Raila in 2017.
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