By Gordon Opiyo I hope Kenyans will see through the pure selfish minds our politicians have. Though Raila, Atwoli and Murathe may be meeting and drinking 50 year old Glenfiddich as they sooth their 80 year old throats…… They are not elected leaders. They are simply old rich men enjoying life. My problem this week […]
Tenderpreneurs supplying poor quality masks to be arrested
By Jerome Ogola Face masks, as we are told, are meant to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, whose current infection rate appears powered by steroids How a single layer of a porous piece of cloth, as light as streetwalker’s petticoat is supposed to stop a virus as microscopic as 10 nanometers, remains a mystery […]
AMAZING: 11 prayers that God has granted, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it
God is happy. He has cleared all the backlog of prayers of his devotees : 1. Kids: I wish we had no school and play all day – Done. 2. Women: I want the undivided attention of my husband- Done. 3. Husbands: I’m sick of this traffic, I wish I could work from home. Done. […]
Tanzania President Magufuli is a tyrant, his true colours revealed as coronavirus rages in the country
By Jerome Ogola MAGUFULI is a tyrant, in the same league with Iddi Amin Dada, save for the fact that his appetite for stolen wealth, typical of such despots is at an all time low In fact he abhors corruption. Graft is the hallmark all dictatorial regimes. What qualifies him to be a Jean Bedel […]
Jubilee propaganda outlet K24 TV staff to go on strike, protesting pay cut due to coronavirus
Photo: K24 news anchor Betty Kyalo, one of the star employees of the Mediamax group, the company has gone through changes fighting for spot in a competitive indistry dominated by RMS, Standard Media, NMG and Radio Africa. Trouble is brewing at the Kijabe Street based company which is owned by DP ruto and President Uhuru […]
DP Ruto’s BIG OFFICE with NO POWER, politically quarantined, what next?
By Jerome Ogola BIG OFFICE, NO POWER This is today’s standard newspaper’s headline. Of course the man in reference here is Dr Ruto the DP The roles of the DP, just like the DG (deputy governor), as defined by the constitution, is to sit around and wait for the president/governor to die In an event […]
Three types of mpango wa kando, which is the worst? Betty, Azziad or Terryanne Chebet figuratively?
By Silas Nyanchwani What is your take madam Director? Can a woman snatch another woman’s husband? Yes. Sometimes deliberately. All too inadvertently. There are three types of mpango wa kando. First one usually knows the wife and chooses to respect her. Especially if the man makes clear that wife is here to stay, rarely bad […]
Ruto reduced from powerful DP to nothing, he is full of hate, revengeful and ever scheming
So, Ruto schemed and rigged several Mt Kenya politicians in the Jubilee party primaries, others say he was simply going after revenge against the likes of Martha Karua and the Kabago, but things seem to have backfired just two years later ! By Silas N #FridayMorningReflections There are two things I hate in life: scheming […]
The three faces of a hustler, Ruto narrative dying out fast, can’t sale beyond 2020
By Lempaa Soyinka Stratification of the so called Hustler Nation; which one will prevail beyond 2020? 1. In the so called Hustler Nation first, we have the lumpen hustler. Like lumpenproletariat, he or she is a hawker, a tout, a mechanic or a bodaboda rider or a blogger. The type that gets chased away by […]
Dear Uhuru, please allow DP Ruto to give coronavirus update, make Kalenjins happy again!
Photo: President Uhuru and Kapseret MP hon Oscar Sudi a surrogate of DP Ruto By Jerome Ogola President Uhuru, CS Mutahi and CAS Mwangingi have been giving coronavirus updates on a rotational basis They should now consider including DP Ruto in the duty roster. They should let William release the “resuluts”, at least once,this will […]
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