By Chris via Facebook A school girl from Ulanda Girls attending regional ball games at Migori Boys has been shot dead by the police who were pursing an inmate who had escaped from the Migori Prisons and entered the school compound. A police officer shot at the crowd after the inmate hid it it, killing […]
HOW Female Kenyan in USA INSTIGATED deportation of 1 minute-man DJ CREME
Beauttah Okech, The Jubilee/ Cord rivalries got a notch higher as one lady alleged to be Kamba in Dallas, Texas reported DJ Clemo also known as George Njuguna to the US immigration authorities. DJ Creme had indicated his purpose of visiting US as tourism during the Memorial day weekend, but it turned out that CORD […]
Dagoreti MP Hon Waweru caught on Camera talking SHIT about Sonko and Kidero
Dagoretti MP Hon Dennis Waweru was caught on camera talking raw shit about Senator Mike Sonko and Governor Evans Kidero. Hon Waweru spoke in his tribal language>>> To the shock of Hon Waweru the congregation was not so ethuastic about his tribal rants; watch vido
CIRCUS: Uhuru says he is Ready for DIALOGUE but through Parliament- CORD back to Drawing BOARD
President Uhuru Kenyatta has said he is ready for dialogue with the Opposition over the polls body, but maintained that he can only do so within the confines of the law. He told business leaders that his personal presentation to the engagements, and which he would present like any other citizen, was ready. “I myself […]
BREAKING: CORD Secretariat PUTS to SHAME Jubilee die-hard KNCHR Boss Ms Kagwiria Mbogori
PRESS STATEMENT 26TH May 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The attention of the coalition has been drawn to the statement issued by the Kenya national commission on human rights titled ‘DO NOT CONFUSE KENYANS: ANARCHY IS NOT DEMOCRACY’ and signed by the Chairperson of the commission Ms. Kagwiria Mbogori. The statement condemns the CORD coalition for […]
WHY CORD’s TACTICAL Retreat from Weekly Anti-IEBC PROTESTS is Christmas for Jubilee
CORD’S TACTICAL MESSAGING FAUX PAS By Jackson Omondi It’s hard enough to rally beleaguered troops around a cause, but to suddenly order a gelling team to stand down midstream is a political messaging blunder that may take a miracle to revive. The IEBC protesters were within striking distance, the county surrogates were in sync with […]
BREAKING: Uhuru PUNCTURED as High Court DECLARES President POWERLESS in Appointing Chief Justice
The High Court has declared an amendment seeking to give the president an upper hand in deciding country’s next CJ null and void . The declaration limits President Uhuru Kenyatta’s power to appoint the CJ as provided by the constitution. The amendment sought to change the Judicial Service Act to compel JSC to forward three […]
FINAL WORD on Cherly Kitonga, KTN Moha Jicho Pevu Vs Kiss FM’s Caroline Mutoko
#MyTwoCentsOnCherylGitonga By Silas Nyanchwani One of the earliest Nollywood Movies that I enjoyed in the early aughts, was Fugitive, starring Ramsey Noah (no doubt the G.O.A.T) and Genevive (the most beautiful African woman), Rita Dominic, Alex Osifo et al. In the movie, Ramsey Noah’s girl friend dies in an apparent drug overdose if my memory […]
WHO will be the ULTIMATE LOSER when the ‘shyte’ hits the fan in 2017 in this Anti-IEBC Drama?
By Wes gideyi It is a propaganda war, and we will be the ultimate losers when the shyte hits the fan in 2017. Some of the narratives being bandied around include: – “We” are protecting the businesses and business people in the CBD from “rioters”. This of course implies there’s a we that does business […]
HERE is amazing OPEN LETTER to Cheryl Kitonga, the famous ‘sponsee’ of Jacob Juma. It went viral
By Kendi Ashitiva. Hey girl, I know you have been living a complete nightmare for the last few days, with all the nasty jokes, memes and statements against you. Well you may not know me, so let me introduce myself. My name is Kendi Ashitiva but my friends call me Kendi I am 32 years […]
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