By A Sadat Kenya is slowly degenerating to a abanana republic, we have a regime that is supervising unlawful activities leading to massive theft of public resources. A few Jubilee operatives are above the law. Today’s disruption of opposition rallies at the coast region is a clear signal that pre-election violence has started and this […]
STATEMENT by Governor Joho Following DISRUPTION of ODM Rallies in Kwale by Police on Orders from Statehouse
STATEMENT BY GOV. 001 HASSAN ALI JOHO AFTER THE SAD EVENTS IN KINANGO YESTERDAY. THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE: “Today, I am deeply saddened. The General Service Unit officers have violently disrupted our ODM meeting in Kinango, Kwale. The noble people of kwale were forced to flee like strangers while in their own home. […]
ODM MPs Hon Anyanga, Dalmas & Kopiyo among those to LOSE SEATS in coming polls, research reveals
If elections were held today, Nyatike MP Edick Anyanga, Rongo MP Dalmas Otieno and Awendo MP Jared Kopiyo are among the Members of Parliament who would lose their seats to the young generation. According to the opinion poll conducted by Africa Social Research Centre (ASRC), 84 per cent of the current parliamentarians will go home. […]
BREAKING VIDEO: HUNDRENDS INJURED as POLICE DISRUPT Governor Joho 2nd Rally in Lunga Lunga-Kwale
Hundrends have been injured as police fired on the air to disrupt an ODM rally that was to be addressed by deputy party leader and Mombasa governor Hassan Ali Joho. The GSU police who participated in the exercise confirmed it was orders from above. Police boss Mr Boinet is said to have been kept in […]
BREAKING VIDEO: WATCH how Police VIOLENTLY and Unlawfully DISRUPTED Governor Joho Rally in Kinango, Kwale
Breaking News : GSU Officers on orders from above (Statehouse operatives) disrupts ODM’s peaceful rally at Kinango, kwale county … This has just happened before chief guest Governors Hassan Joho and Amazon Kingi landed … Hon Dor and Hon Mwapojo have just arrived at the scene and are demanding answers from the police, situation is […]
BREAKING: GSU Police DISRUPT Governor Meeting in Kinango-Kwale, say they were acting on Orders from ‘Above’
Breaking News : GSU Officers on orders from above (Statehouse operatives) disrupts ODM’s peaceful rally at Kinango, kwale county … This has just happened before chief guest Governors Hassan Joho and Amazon Kingi landed … Hon Dor and Hon Mwapojo have just arrived at the scene and are demanding answers from the police, situation is […]
BREAKING BLOODY CHAOS: Several People Injured as Uhuru Jubilee Party Meeting Turns Chaotic, ENDS in DISRRAY
Scores injured as Jubilee Party meeting at Bomas of Kenya turns bloody. A meeting to elect Jubilee Party elections board officials ended in disarray on Thursday after participants clashed. The meeting at Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi was to select a team to oversee primaries at county level. It was called off after the chaos […]
EXPOSED: STATEHOUSE Sets Up a Multi-Agency to SILENCE Governor Joho for OPPOSING RELOCATION of Mombasa Port activities to Naivasha
By Allan Muthiga It is now alleged that Uhuru has set up a multi agency secretariat to stop Ali Hassan Joho from contesting for Mombasa Governor. The agencies represented in the committee include the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the Attorney-General’s Office, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the Judiciary, […]
WHAT Importing of 500 Doctors From Tanzania Mean, Uhuru Regime Corruption and Misuse of Public Resources
By D S In response to the just-resolved strike by the country’s doctors, the Jubilee Administration reached an agreement with the government of President John Magufuli to import 500 doctors from neighboring Tanzania. However, the decision was rescinded within seventy-two hours of being issued amidst complaints from both the Kenyan and Tanzanian sides. Kenya’s decision […]
Uhuru SNUB on Visiting Somali President H. E Farmajo Was DEMEANING, Sending that Joke Aden Duale to Receive him was INSULTING!
OPINION: UhuRuto snubbing Farmajo was boyish and low class It is a fact that Kenyans didn’t invent diplomatic protocol, but they surely, are, its most venerable and experienced practitioners. In African perspective, Kenyans are masters of every tributary gesture, every nuance of hierarchical ritual. In a land so exquisitely sensitive to protocol, we hit our […]