STATEMENT BY HON TIMOTHY BOSIRE ON UHURU KENYATTA’S NYAMIRA TOUR I’m in Canada, on official PAC business, only to learn that the president will be in the area, no problem, he is free to visit any part of the country, but only fair to respect and inform area elected leadership more so on matters development. […]
The CURSE of Abusing Raila Catches up with Hon Mwaura, Persons with Albinism DISOWN Him Over Sonko vs PK Wars
For a person who Raila heped ‘deworm’ to use every other opportunity to abuse the former prime minister, a national hero, engima, Agwamba, Njamba etc etc is not only disprective buta serious assault on biblical teachings. Well, the curse of constant abuse on the person of Raila is slowly catching up with Hon Mwaura, today […]
CS Nkaiserry WARNED Opposition NOT TO PROTEST AGAINST A RIGGED ELECTION in August, BUT then this Memo to Police and KDF Shocked him…
By Anwar Sadat To “those” security agencies living in squalid structures, forced to share one room shanties ,with male and female living together; who only earns Shs 18,000 monthly salary; who struggle to provide for their family; who are not able to provide the best medical care for their family; who pay higher taxes; whose […]
BREAKING: Uhuru Anti-Joho Campaign BACKFIRES BADLY as Polls CONFIRM Governor Joho Will be RE-ELECTED by 70% Against Jubilee’s Shabal 15%
Latest opinion poll results released by the former Steadman group boss Njeri Ireri confirm Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho will be re-elected with about 70% of the total votes. Other governors with high chances of being re-elected include Machakos’ Dr Alfred Mutua at 75% and Kiambu’s Kabogo at 46%. The poll results shows 68% of […]
BREAKING: Kenya Special Intelligence Police on the Brink of ARRESTING Governor Joho, Order issued by STATEHOUSE Operative
A diabolical plot has been hatched by Kenyan intelligence to arrest and humiliate Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho, Kenya Today can authoritatively reveal. According to multiple sources within government, Governor Joho is due to be arrested any time in the coming hours following angry presidential orders last week and will be presented before a friendly […]
Kenyans now agree, all we have is FAKE MEDIA, Uhuru Interview on Citizen Nipashe was pure CRAP
By Anwar Sadat When you get the opportunity to interview a president of a country where thousands are dying of hunger, where a few hundreds just died because of doctors strike, where youth unemployment stands at 67%, Where Citizen have no water, a president who just lied in his SOTN2017 address, the president of a […]
Mike Sonko’s INSULTS on Citizen TV worked, BEATS Peter Kenneth in Kameme FM Radio POLL
Sonko beats Peter Kenneth in radio poll hours after insulting him Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko and his bitter rival for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat Peter Kenneth are still trending hours after Sonko called the latter “a thief”, “albino” and “chewing gum”. This was during a Sunday, March 19 interview on Citizen TV where Sonko insulted […]
”My daughter Rosemary is doing fine, we thank God for her Terrific Recovery”- Raila Odinga
NASA Supreme leader Prime Minister Raila Odinga has reported that his daughter Rosemary is recovering welL. Rosemary has been admitted in South Africa for almost three weeks now. In South Africa visiting Rosemary. We thank God for her terrific recovery, thanks to your prayers Rozzy is well and sends greetings to all! — Raila […]
BREAKING SAD: Komarock ward MCA aspirant Hon Edison Natembea has been shot dead.
Breaking Sad Komarock ward MCA aspirant Edison Natembea has been shot dead. Details to follow
Uthamaki, Giniwasekao and the Consequences of Voter Apathy and Ignorance
By Dorcas S I recently had an exchange with a colleague re: President Uhuru Kenyatta’s new-found “swag” and (mis)use of the state’s instruments of violence to effectively abrogate the democratic rights of a citizen who also happened to be the duly-elected Governor of Mombasa County Hassan Joho. In the exchange the colleague asked, as justification […]