has posted an a photo of Hon Babu Owino and Anthony David Weiner (born September 4, 1964) an American former congressman who represented New York’s 9th congressional district from January 1999 until June 2011. The Two Legislators have a striking resemblance, but then again one another striking coincidence, they both appeared in court this week with Hon Babu Owino charged with fake cooked up charges subversion while Anthony Weiner was found guilty of a single charge of transferring obscene material to a minor on Monday 25th September.The two politicians do not just bear physical resemblance but also character, both are controversial politicians, they joined politics at a very young age, both elected to parliament/congress at age 27, both used clever propaganda to get elected, both are married to ‘pocket size’ yellow yellows among others.
Anthony Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin was the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private secretary and chief strategist in the 2016 presidential campaigns – lost to Donald Trump after Russians interference.
Read more about Anthony Weiner via Wikipedia here
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