Five Cord coalition leaders have been summoned by the CID to record statements against charges of robbery with violence during the Malindi poll on Tuesday.
The five, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi, MP Abdulswammad Nassir, Kilifi Women Representative Aisha Jumwa, Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori and Ndhiwa MP Agostino Ndeto who had been asked to report at the CID offices in Malindi however said they would record statements on Thursday due to their busy schedules.
“I have been requested to record a statement in Malindi tomorrow against the charges of “Robbery with Violence” that apparently took place during the Malindi by elections. I shall comply with the request on Thursday this week because I will be attending to official duties on Tuesday and Wednesday.” A post on Joho’s official Facebook post read
Mvita MP Hon Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir also confirmed that he had been summoned via his official Facebook page;
“Together with Mombasa Governor H.E. Hon. Ali Hassan Joho we have been requested by the Police to go to Malindi and record a statement linking us to a robbery with violence case. I have gladly accepted to go on Thursday as I have parliamentary obligations on both Tuesday and Wednesday which include presenting and debating amendments I have proposed on The Community Land Bill currently on the final stage of legislation”– Hon Nassir posted on his FB Page
The five led a spirited campaign that saw Uhuru’s jubilee party humiliated in the just concluded Malindi by-election. It is also said that Statehouse spent more than 200million in the by-election a cost that seem to rub it in…
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