Statehouse based presidential escort comprising of speciliased GSU police officers (same batallion that blocked Governor Joho from attending Uhuru launch of Mtongwe ferry) are under fire for roughing up and throwing out a journalist from Wajir rally on grounds that he was a Raila/ODM/NASA sympathiser.
Trouble started for the Wajir based journalist who runs the Wajir Chronicles when he started filming a section of the crowd that was heckling as the master of ceremony asked the crowd if they were ready to receive the president to which the crowd responded an emphatic NO and started chantting anti Uhuru anti Jubilee songs. Its that point that aides to Jubilee governor aspirant ambassadpr Mohamud told the security chiefs that the journalist was trouble.
The journalist was carried through the crowds, roughed up and was told to stay off the event at a radious of half a kilometer and was threatened with serious conscequences if he sneaks back to the rally.
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