By Gabriel O
I have watched that Caroline Mutoko video, and I am gravely disappointed with the manner in which she has decided to address that issue. Listen here Kenyans. That exposé was not about Mohammed Ali, we need to separate our hatred for personalities from the main issue at hand here.
Let’s begin from where it matters the most.
That girl is a prime suspect in a controversial murder case. This fact doesn’t change whether her cover was blown or not. For as long as Jacob Juma’s file is still open, she will have to be called upon a million times to shed more light into what she knows, or doesn’t know, about that issue. For those who have been involved in such cases, it is a draining back-and-forth that you wouldn’t even wish on your worst enemy.
People like Caroline Mutoko who have taken upon themselves to mentor our girls must at least try to guide them well, and in the best direction possible. I have an issue with her saying that it is okay for you to mess up in your twenties. I will tell you what. It is not okay to mess up even in your teens. Let no one cheat you.
I repeat, it is not okay to mess up even in your teenage years. People entrusted with guiding our young people must do so without fear or favour, without lying to them about basic stuff. Without justifying apparent wrongs. That teenage girl who had a quickie with a random guy in a nightclub at 18 and contracted HIV AIDS will disagree with anyone telling her that it is okay to mess up in your teens.
That UoN campus goon who harassed fellow students for a small fee during SONU elections and got expelled for life will disagree with anyone telling him that it is okay to mess up in your twenties.
Let’s not beat about the bush here.
I was expecting Caroline Mutoko to reach out to that Cheryl girl and offer to walk her through the legal process of keeping her safe from harm’s way. That’s what friends are for. Instead, she has chosen to rub her studs on Mohammed Ali’s shin in an attempt to score cheap social media points.
Anyone who really cares for Cheryl and genuinely wants to help must kindly get her a legal counsel to put her under tight witness protection. I am worried for that girl’s life. We all know how ICC witnesses were tampered with and some found floating on rivers miles away from their homes. The Mafia in this country is very brutal. Anyone who knows more than they should know is a marked person.
This issue is not even about pot-bellied senile men sleeping around with young innocent girls. Far from it. Like I have told you before, I hold the view that anyone is free to sleep around with whomever they like, as long as consent is given for it. The reason why you have a National ID and a voter’s card is because the State entrusts you with determining it’s future.
Anybody with the power to vote in or vote out a President is mature enough to make their own independent decisions and live with them. So, I have no qualms with two adults, of reproductive age, exchanging pollen grains.
But what I expected Caroline Mutoko to do, which she did not do, is to try and guide our young people into making informed choices, in their lives. I have a daughter, whom I love so much, and I wouldn’t want to entrust her with a mentor who tells her that it is okay to mess around in your twenties since the society will give you another chance once your biological clock turns 30.
Because it won’t.
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