By G Oguda
“We have people who claim to have gone to school celebrating the government incarceration of Dr. David Ndii. Like you sat in a class, raised your hands up a million times when questions came your way, wrote your exams, and got flying colours for them. Nursery. Primary. Secondary. Tertiary. Graduate. Even post-graduate.
You are sitting here with a first class honours in animal husbandry, or rock-blasting, or whatever it is your graduation pictures is littering your walls with, and you find it funny that Dr. David Ndii is being picked on for having an opposing view? Do yourself a favour, young human, go back to your school, return those academic papers, and ask for a refund, because you learnt nothing in school amd your lineage is suffering as a result of your emptiness.
Dr. David Ndii lacks nothing. He owes this country nothing. At number 35 in the global Economists ranking, Dr. Ndii can walk into any foreign country right now, apply for an international posting, and someone will be fired straight on for him to fill that slot.
Dr. David Ndii isn’t your village guava seller, if he was to donate a third of his brain to your County, they would have to order a giant-sized wheelbarrow to carry it to your County Headquarters. I cannot even believe we are having this discussion. Like some people think Dr. Ndii is their intellectual peer.
You people confuse the discussions you have on Kilimani Mums with scholarship. You think Dr. David Ndii is those pornographic radio talk-show hosts you call every morning to air your sexual life to? Instead of buying a car and looking stupid online why don’t you sell that mkebe and buy books with the proceeds?
You’re embarrassing your clan. And your children.”
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