By Anwar Sadat
Change is coming to Kenya in 2017, the change is people motivated and people driven. Change is by the people, of the people, and for the people.
For the last five years, Kenyans have watched their relatives, friends, and fellow citizens die as a result doctors strike because an incompetent government could not negotiate a return to work formula for 90 days.
We have all watched in horror as fellow citizens starve to death, as the government spend billions of shillings to militarize our police force, in a country not at war.
We have all seen our well educated youths, with burden of student loans, carry placard looking for jobs, as RELATHIEVES of those in power supply metal contains for billions of shillings. Sadly, some have even been reduced to beggars, shuffling through bins looking for food.
We have all shaken our heads in shame, looking at the single room shanties that our male and female officers are forced to share, as the government spends billions to renovate statehouse, buy pillows and blankets, and buy houses for ambassadors overseas.
We have all seen key manufacturing institutions like the sugar industry die, as those in power and their RELATHIEVES sign bilateral trade deals that expose Kenyan manufactures to cheap imports, that they never pay taxes on.
We have watched the government use state machinery to intimidate political opponents, as those implicated in theft of public money like Waiguru and company continue to catwalk in statehouse.
We have watched those in power borrow money, only to loot them through elephant projects.
We have watched areas in need of economic development like Machakos bypassed in allocation of government resources, only for the president to commission a multi billion shilling project in his family’s farm in Naivasha.
And now, Kenyans are leading the movement for change, for we are the masters of our destiny.
We know what we want: a working government that will creat jobs for our youths; a government that will lower the cost of living; a government that will build houses for our police force; a government that is committed to developing our economy.
To leaders like Nyenze, who think they can guide this revolution to be about persons, you are wrong. This movement will be guided by us, the people. You either chose to walk with us the people, or you walk alone.
We are taking back our country. You are either with us or with those that have stollen from us. In this revolution, there are no middle grounds.
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