IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati and CEO Ezra Chiloba have been summoned by Public Accounts Committee for grilling after Auditor General, Edward Ouko, raised queries over Sh5.4 billion that could not be accounted for in the 2015/16 financial year.
The two senior IEBC officials are expected face Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly for four days to shed light on why they spent Sh2.1 billion in legal fees instead of Sh1 billion during the 2013 election petition.
The duo is also expected to provide satisfactory answers on why they inflated maintenance cost of BVR kits by Sh61.6 million according to the audit report by Ouko.
The parliamentary Committee will further question Chebukati and Chiloba over irregular payment that was reportedly made for the supply, delivery, installation, training, and testing of electronic voter identification devices (EVIDs) during the 2013 general elections. The damning audit report has turned the spotlight on IEBC once again since they concluded the October 26, 2017 repeat presidential election that was boycotted and highly criticized by the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition.
The audit queries come at a when the Opposition politicians have also mounted pressure on the duo claiming they are unfit to preside over boundaries this year.
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