23RD MAY 2016
Cord wishes to send condolences to family and friends of innocent Kenyans killed in various parts of the country during the peaceful ant- IEBC demonstrations.
We condemn the government for killing innocent Kenyan some of whom were not even part of the demonstrations; innocent Kenyans going about their daily struggles to earn a living.
Despite national and international condemnation of the Police brutality displayed on Monday 16th, the Police have chosen the weapon of state terror and violence as tools of dialogue, giving credence to the fact that the shoot to kill orders we witnessed during the 2007/2008 Post election Violence are still in place.
There was intervention by the international community in particular the African Union, The United Nations and the European Union during the post-election violence crisis. It is the same issues of Election fraud and malpractice that led to the mayhem and conflict that is also the genesis of the current conflict.
It is evident that unless these are addressed now, well before, any general election, Kenya is going to be thrown into another cycle of civil disorder and political instability.
We therefore urge the United Nations as the custodian of Human Rights, as enshrined in its various instruments to call the Jubilee government to account. The United Nations should not continue conducting its affairs in Kenya in the business as usual manner, in a country that is violating its obligation under the United Nations Charter.
We would like to reiterate CORD’s commitment to using Constitutional means to address the IEBC impasse. CORD has to this extent filed a petition for the removal of Commissioners through the organ of parliament and through the instrument of the referendum, both of which were frustrated, and ignored.
In South Africa, The citizens are holding demonstrations against the president without harassment or interference from the Executive.
In Brazil, citizens took to the streets to call for the impeachment of the President with glaring success. In Kenya, we are trying to have the Electoral law reformed to make the 2107 Elections peaceful and credible, but these efforts are carelessly denounced and described as attempts to remove the government through the backdoor.
We have the law, the constitution and the people behind us and therefore we shall not relent in this worthy and national cause. To this extent, CORD wishes to announce that our demonstrations will continue unabated and with more intensity nationwide.
We shall continue with our peaceful and positive political action next week and beyond with the same determination and resolve.
Aluta Continua
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